Just How Bad Will It Get?

 The US in particular and the West in general are under God's wrath and judgement. No, this is not the the End Times. This is God's wrath poured out on sinful Nations that reject Him. All throughout the Old Testament we see examples of this with Israel as well as other Nations such as Babylon, the Medo-Persians, and even the Roman Empire. God only puts up with so much, then He judges and destroys. He always warns a people/nation though. In the Elder Days He sent His prophets. Jesus warned his disciples and followers about the utter destruction and desolation of Jerusalem. Those who listened were saved. Today, we have God's Word in Scripture and the warnings pertain to us as well. If we're willing to see them.

This Nation, as well as the West, have committed many abominations before God. So we've been given over to the natural depravity of our fallen nature. God has withdrawn His restraining grace and madness is consuming us. All one need do is look around and see the out-of-control corruption in every governmental institution, most businesses, schools and universities, the news media, etc. Pretty much everything God hates and calls an abomination is approved of and on display. Don't think it can get worse? It can and will. The church is under His judgment as well. The church, in general terms, has turned away from His Laws and in many cases, has sided with the pagans. It has twisted the word 'love' to mean total acceptance of everything God forbids. It has not spoken of His wrath, nor has it stood against the many evils happening in front of its face! In fact, many so-called churches, really synagogues of satan, despise those churches that stand for God's truth! 

So where does one find hope as this Nation declines towards destruction? If you are truly His, you have your answer. Remain faithful to Him and His Law. Remain faithful to the Christ of God, Jesus, who paid the price of our rebellion against a Holy and Righteous God! Many don't realize just what Jesus saves us from. He saves us from God's wrath! Not on the physical plane, but on the eternal one. True believers will go through trials, will even be killed for standing firm on God's foundation. Yet stand we must. God has called ALL to repentance and called all to return to Him, the One True God.  Those who do not will face eternal judgment. Remain faithful in these times and trust in Him who saved you. No matter what, trust and hope in Him. 

What brought this post on? I go through the Bible each year and I started reading Daniel this morning. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would not bow to Nebuchadnezzar's statue despite the threat of being thrown into the furnace.  They stood true to God. That is what's expected of all who are saved through Christ Jesus. To obey and stand firm. THAT is our hope!


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