
Showing posts from July, 2022

Will They be Foolish Enough?

 One wonders what the answer will be. As the Russia/Nato/Ukraine war continues, China may be pulled into this mess. The US is provoking a reaction by allowing Pelosi to go to Taiwan. Now, normally, this would induce saber rattling and such. In the current atmosphere, questions arise. Since the current Regime took control they have systematically weakened the US Military through Wokeness, mandatory shots with an unproven 'vaccine', depleting our petroleum reserves by shutting down pipelines and oil leases. China, of course, has noticed this. Now we have a Carrier Strike Force in the south China sea, just in case. The current Regime has been doing everything it can to destroy the US Military and the Economy. The Leftists in power all across the system have turned at least one generation into bleating sheep. Fools who hate this Nation, and you can't convince them otherwise. They are True Believers.  So, knowing all this, and this is a simplified list, would China think that th...

Nothing Has Changed

 When AIDS came about, it was initially among homosexuals. Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous. So it spread pretty fast. It made its way into the rest of society via bi-sexuals, prostitutes, and sharing needles among drug users. So, bathhouses were closed and for a time, homosexuals were less indiscriminate about who they coupled with. Then, a concerted effort was made to make homosexual activity more 'acceptable'. To soft-peddle it and make them sympathetic. Now, most are compassionate for those dying of diseases like AIDS. Yet, AIDS is preventable. Don't have anal sex or share needles. Oh, but it's 'mean' to tell people that perversion and vice are destructive for you and can have life-altering consequences. A massive effort was made to find something to mitigate the effects of AIDS. So, Pharmaceutical companies threw millions into research funded mostly by the government. They came up with a cocktail that curtails AIDS, and Homosexuals went right back to...

Are We Really so Advanced?

 As I read the Old Testament I am constantly amazed at the Israelites, at their Idolatry. God sends Moses to lead them out of bondage and slavery in Egypt. God is with them throughout the exodus, before them in cloud and fire. He feeds them, gives them water in the desert, makes their clothing not wear out, and STILL they rebelled! Even after all they went through, after all God had brought them through and showed them, still, they rebelled. He was in their very midst! He did miracles, and still, they didn't believe nor honor Him! This is a constant theme throughout the Old Testament. The constant whoring after other gods by Israel. He punishes them, they repent, He redeems them, they honor Him for maybe a generation or two, then they rebel. Lather, rinse, repeat.  Then, we come to the New Testament, and not much has changed. Here comes Jesus doing miraculous signs and wonders. No prophet sent by God had done things in the numbers Jesus did them, nor in the magnitude! Yet the ...

Where are Evangelicals on Abortion?


So Much Evil...

I've written often that this Nation in particular and The West, in general, are under God's Judgement.  There is no other explanation that answers the pure madness and evil we see across the nation and the World. Our so-called 'Leaders' are corrupt and evil beyond redemption in many cases. They are sons of Satan, they are of their father, the Devil. They worship death. They fight tooth and nail to continue their demonic rite of child slaughter/sacrifice. Not only that, they seek to enshrine all forms of perversion into Law and teach their poison to children when said children manage to make it out of the womb. As Romans 1 says, they've been given over to a reprobate mind. They are depraved. Worse, they are kept there by the people of their respective districts and states. So pray. Pray that people repent. If they don't, this is only the beginning of the darkness that's coming. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot were pikers compared to what these people are cap...

The Failing of The West.

 Can you see it? Many cannot. Can you feel it? Many cannot. They have become dull. Oh, you can try and wake them up but, in many cases, it is a futile endeavor. The West is failing. By The West, I mean Western Nations from the US to Europe, to Australia. All these Western Nations have been "given over" to the Wrath of God. He has removed His restraining Grace and has given The West over to a "reprobate mind". Reprobate; an adjective denoting morally depraved; unprincipled; bad. The West has become corrupt beyond repair by man. There are now many calling for war with Russia over the corrupt Nation of Ukraine. This is insanity and it will lead to famine and poverty throughout The West. At the same time we have bought into the Gaia worshipping Environmentalists and are cutting our own throats by implementing their demands. The West. It will fall and the crash of its destruction will shake the world. Darkness will descend on mankind with the rise of China and Islam in t...

The Gospel, Now More Than Ever!

 As I look around my city, my State, My Nation, and The World I see more and more the need for the Gospel of Christ Jesus to be given. In Romans 1 Paul speaks of God giving man over to man's wicked desires. In 2nd Thessalonians, we read of God sending strong delusion upon men. If you look around, you see the results of both. I've written before that I believe the World at large, but especially what we call The West is under God's Judgement ala Romans 1:18-32. I do not believe us to be under his full wrath at this time, as our sins have not reached their full measure. Full Measure is when God finally brings destruction upon a Nation. We are close, but not quite there. We have called evil and perversion good, and that which is good, beautiful, and true we are abandoning. Oh, there will be little moments of sanity such as we see in the Old Testament, but they will not last. Man grows more and more wicked and debauched. One merely need turn on the news or what passes for entert...