Will They be Foolish Enough?
One wonders what the answer will be. As the Russia/Nato/Ukraine war continues, China may be pulled into this mess. The US is provoking a reaction by allowing Pelosi to go to Taiwan. Now, normally, this would induce saber rattling and such. In the current atmosphere, questions arise. Since the current Regime took control they have systematically weakened the US Military through Wokeness, mandatory shots with an unproven 'vaccine', depleting our petroleum reserves by shutting down pipelines and oil leases. China, of course, has noticed this. Now we have a Carrier Strike Force in the south China sea, just in case. The current Regime has been doing everything it can to destroy the US Military and the Economy. The Leftists in power all across the system have turned at least one generation into bleating sheep. Fools who hate this Nation, and you can't convince them otherwise. They are True Believers. So, knowing all this, and this is a simplified list, would China think that th...