The Failing of The West.

 Can you see it? Many cannot. Can you feel it? Many cannot. They have become dull. Oh, you can try and wake them up but, in many cases, it is a futile endeavor. The West is failing. By The West, I mean Western Nations from the US to Europe, to Australia. All these Western Nations have been "given over" to the Wrath of God. He has removed His restraining Grace and has given The West over to a "reprobate mind". Reprobate; an adjective denoting morally depraved; unprincipled; bad. The West has become corrupt beyond repair by man. There are now many calling for war with Russia over the corrupt Nation of Ukraine. This is insanity and it will lead to famine and poverty throughout The West. At the same time we have bought into the Gaia worshipping Environmentalists and are cutting our own throats by implementing their demands. The West. It will fall and the crash of its destruction will shake the world. Darkness will descend on mankind with the rise of China and Islam in the form of the Socialist/Marxist State. There is but ONE way to reverse this. Man MUST repent and glorify God. There is NO other way.

One needs only look at our society, our co-called 'culture' to see this. We glorify sexual perversion, we deny the created order of man and woman and, in our debased minds, tell people that one can become the other. Worse, this evil is pushed upon children, many times without the knowledge of their parents! Then, we seek to silence those who push back against this evil. With the reversal of Roe, we see just how insane is the Cult of Death that is The Left. They are completely unhinged over this. It matters not that the abomination known as abortion is still legal in many states. The fact that it is no longer Federal Law has caused them to show how truly mad they are. Some are noticing and divorcing themselves from those demons, but not enough. 

The other area in which our society has lost its collective mind is so-called 'whiteness'. The Left has made it a point all across The West to use race as a wedge, and they're using it to great destructive effect. They are making it almost a crime to be caucasian. They are making a 'god' out of black-ness. They are ascribing all the problems of the world to white people, as though if you are not white, you are somehow superior, or more righteous.  Truly amazing from the 'inclusive and tolerant' crowd, wot? 

If you stand for what it right, beautiful, and true, YOU are the evil one. What does Scripture say? "Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good!" The resulting Judgement has begun upon The West. It's going to get MUCH worse. Pray for the strength to endure. He is faithful to His own!


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