So Much Evil...

I've written often that this Nation in particular and The West, in general, are under God's Judgement.  There is no other explanation that answers the pure madness and evil we see across the nation and the World. Our so-called 'Leaders' are corrupt and evil beyond redemption in many cases. They are sons of Satan, they are of their father, the Devil. They worship death. They fight tooth and nail to continue their demonic rite of child slaughter/sacrifice. Not only that, they seek to enshrine all forms of perversion into Law and teach their poison to children when said children manage to make it out of the womb. As Romans 1 says, they've been given over to a reprobate mind. They are depraved. Worse, they are kept there by the people of their respective districts and states. So pray. Pray that people repent. If they don't, this is only the beginning of the darkness that's coming. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot were pikers compared to what these people are capable of. If anyone reading this hasn't gone totally insane yet then Repent and cry out to The Lord for salvation. As Scripture says; "Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Also; "There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved." He is the ONLY hope for your immortal soul. This won't save you from the wrath to come, but it will save you for eternity. You've been warned.


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