Are We Really so Advanced?

 As I read the Old Testament I am constantly amazed at the Israelites, at their Idolatry. God sends Moses to lead them out of bondage and slavery in Egypt. God is with them throughout the exodus, before them in cloud and fire. He feeds them, gives them water in the desert, makes their clothing not wear out, and STILL they rebelled! Even after all they went through, after all God had brought them through and showed them, still, they rebelled. He was in their very midst! He did miracles, and still, they didn't believe nor honor Him! This is a constant theme throughout the Old Testament. The constant whoring after other gods by Israel. He punishes them, they repent, He redeems them, they honor Him for maybe a generation or two, then they rebel. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

Then, we come to the New Testament, and not much has changed. Here comes Jesus doing miraculous signs and wonders. No prophet sent by God had done things in the numbers Jesus did them, nor in the magnitude! Yet the Pharisees and Sadducees rejected him, as did many people who followed their lead. God punished them in 70AD when Jerusalem and the Temple were laid waste by Rome. Just as Jesus foretold. Millions were slaughtered, first by Jewish Zealots who took over the Temple and profaned it in the rebellion that led to Rome's response, then by Roman Legions who took the city from the rebels and completely destroyed it. There will not be a Third Temple. Jesus is now The Living Temple.

Throughout history, again and again, we see man constantly repeat the mistakes of the past. When evil arises, most ignore it or deny its existence. Until they no longer can. Of course, by then, it's usually too late to resist it. This is happening again. This time, The West has fallen into evil. The West has rejected God and His Law. It too will fall. God will not be mocked. He allows the sins of a people to reach a certain point, then He punishes them, and scatters them. This Nation and many Western Nations used to have a moral foundation based on God's Law. This is observably no longer the case. What God calls evil, our societies now call good and demand that all bow at the altar of their false gods. As stated previously, God will not be mocked. The signs are clear that we have been given over by God. We were warned again, and again. We did not listen.


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