
Showing posts from December, 2021

Criminal Case Against Epstein's Prison Guards DROPPED Conveniently When ...


Where Lucifer works...

 Many Followers of Christ mistakenly believe that Lucifer aka the Devil is rampaging through The World causing all the evil. I guess they missed the parts in the Gospel that speak to Man's fallen nature. Man's total depravity. The evil that goes on around us and throughout the world every day isn't caused by the Devil. He doesn't have to do anything. Mankind without God is patently EVIL all by itself. And for a long time now, man has been doing everything he can to supplant God's rule. He can't, of course. God IS Sovereign. He lets mankind do his foolishness and evil and punishes him for it, and rightly so. No, Lucifer does work his evil but in a fashion many don't see because they have no discernment. Rather than study their Bible, GOD's Word, and learn the lessons therein, their ears itch for 'experiences' and 'feelings' as well as "special knowledge". Thus, they miss what's right in front of their noses. Lucifer does his

Cancel culture tactics being used against unvaccinated (from Livestream ...


The Only Road to Heaven (Matthew 7:13-14)


Watching the Slow Death

 "See the lights do a long, slow fade ..." Bruce Hornsby I watched the long, slow fade of my mom as Alzheimer's and Dementia stole the woman I knew as mom. It was very hard, especially emotionally to watch. It was draining in the extreme. Who she was faded away over time. At the end, she retained a good bit of who she was but much was still lost. When we moved her to Hospice, she went fast. Sadly, this is not always the case. There are those who push for assisted suicide. They posit that people should not be made to suffer. That once they're dying, we should allow them to hasten the process rather than suffer. I understand that sentiment after watching my mom go. I am also currently watching someone much-loved fade away. The Medical community says they have done all they can, so she was brought home to die the long, slow fade. Some, when they go into Hospice, pass quickly. For others, it is sadly a prolonged affair as the body shuts down. It is gut-wrenching and painf

Thoughts on Dying

 It's something we all face, the dying of a loved one. I speak of the dying, not the death. Watching someone die is, in my opinion, much harder to deal with than their death itself. I say this as someone who lost his dad to a car wreck and his mom to death from Alzheimer's and Dementia. One was instantaneous and the other protracted and long. BOTH were hard to deal with but one was much more painful than the other.  Watching the slow death is much harder as it drains your emotions a little at a time in a continuous suck. Watching someone die who can no longer be helped by doctors is a slow and draining process. Watching someone fade is quite painful. Repetitive? Yes. I'm wanting to drive it home how draining it is to watch. It is torturous. You have your insides ripped apart every day. I watched my mom fade from the person I'd known all my life to someone different. She lost parts of who SHE was and who I'd known over time. It's the same for someone who doctors

The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations | Doug Wilson


Where Current Black Culture Really Comes From


IN the World, not OF the World.

 Some time back I was watching a sermon by Pastor John MacArthur. He's one of my favorite Pastors along with Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Steve lawson, and Justin Peters. He made a point in that sermon that got me thinking. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said something to the effect that "We are NOT called to change the culture. We are called to spread the Gospel, the Good News to people." It struck me, as anyone can see, our culture has become an immoral cesspool. We do not do that which is right. We pervert God's order and precepts at every turn. We slaughter innocent children in the womb. We allow, nay, approve of homosexuality, and other forms of sexual perversion! We seemingly have no issue with corruption in Government as long as it's 'our side' doing the corruption. These, and many other things point out the complete bankruptcy of our Culture. Is it any wonder then why God is Judging us ala Romans 1?  The ONLY way the Culture will change is for e

The Mask Efficacy Study That News Doesn't Want You to See (Pt.2)| Dr. Dr...


It was SO easy

 It was so very easy for the evil ones in Government to get people to give up their rights and liberties. All they had to do was lie to them a frighten them. It's like they knew that most wouldn't research or question. Add to the lies the trashing of anyone who does question the Narrative and get them banned from Social Media. Then, lather, rinse, repeat. Most people fell for it. Now, I don't see how you break the Narrative. These people, cattle really, are immune to any facts but what they are fed by Fauchi and Government as well as the Propaganda arm of the Government. If you'd have asked me 10 years ago if I thought it was possible, I'd have said no. Yet, here we are on the brink of Tyranny. makes you wonder, don't it? Ramble Ends.

The Mandatorians | Doug Wilson


Can you separate Faith from your 'public' life?

 We often hear of the "separation of church and state". Multitudes mistakenly think it's in The Constitution. It's not. The words are from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no Law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof." What this meant at the time was that the Federal Government could NOT establish any religion ie create one such as the Church of England ala Henry VIII. That's it. No 'church of the United States' was the intent. It wasn't to shut out anything Christian from public display or mention. It's by design that people have been taught a lie. The nation is reaping the disgusting fruit of that evil planting. Anyone who says they can separate their Christian faith from their public job causes doubt in my mind as to their profession of faith.  Following Biblical Christianity is hard. I think it was C.S. Lewis who said &quo