Where Lucifer works...

 Many Followers of Christ mistakenly believe that Lucifer aka the Devil is rampaging through The World causing all the evil. I guess they missed the parts in the Gospel that speak to Man's fallen nature. Man's total depravity. The evil that goes on around us and throughout the world every day isn't caused by the Devil. He doesn't have to do anything. Mankind without God is patently EVIL all by itself. And for a long time now, man has been doing everything he can to supplant God's rule. He can't, of course. God IS Sovereign. He lets mankind do his foolishness and evil and punishes him for it, and rightly so. No, Lucifer does work his evil but in a fashion many don't see because they have no discernment. Rather than study their Bible, GOD's Word, and learn the lessons therein, their ears itch for 'experiences' and 'feelings' as well as "special knowledge". Thus, they miss what's right in front of their noses.

Lucifer does his work in the Church. Among the body of believers. THAT is where he does his damage. That is why you see women as 'pastors'. Homosexuals, Lesbians, and so-called Trans people in the church as well as in positions of authority such as 'pastors', 'Bishops', and 'Deacons'. You see God's word perverted and twisted by many a so-called 'christian' church. And many are completely blind to it. They've created a false god and a false Christ. They preach and worship a different Jesus, a different god. They deny God's Law and His Holy wrath. Some even deny Hell, though Jesus, the REAL Jesus warned of it constantly. He also warned of false prophets and teachers who were actually ravening wolves in sheep's clothing. He warned of teachers who scratched people's itching ears. This is exactly what you see in churches worldwide today. The U.S. is the number one exporter of false gospels to the rest of the world. It's also why I believe this Nation to be under God's Judgement and growing Wrath.  

Ramble Ends.


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