Can you separate Faith from your 'public' life?

 We often hear of the "separation of church and state". Multitudes mistakenly think it's in The Constitution. It's not. The words are from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no Law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof." What this meant at the time was that the Federal Government could NOT establish any religion ie create one such as the Church of England ala Henry VIII. That's it. No 'church of the United States' was the intent. It wasn't to shut out anything Christian from public display or mention. It's by design that people have been taught a lie. The nation is reaping the disgusting fruit of that evil planting. Anyone who says they can separate their Christian faith from their public job causes doubt in my mind as to their profession of faith. 

Following Biblical Christianity is hard. I think it was C.S. Lewis who said "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and not tried." That is spot on. None of us is perfect. We are all sinners, Christian and Pagans alike. We are all hypocrites in one way or another. If you expect to walk into a church and meet perfect people you are sorely misguided. BTW, yes. There are only two religions in the world; Christianity and Paganism. Narrowminded you say? What about Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehova's Witnesses you say? Not Christian, which makes them Pagan. False religions. I follow Christ. He said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father, except through me." So if one doesn't cry out to Christ to save them, doesn't call him Lord and Saviour, one is a Pagan and destined for eternal damnation. It's a hard teaching, and one you won't hear in too many churches these days. They don't teach about the true Jesus. They teach another gospel with a hippy Jesus. A Jesus that doesn't say anything our twisted culture takes as 'mean'. A false messiah. 

They get offended when you call them, and their 'pastor' out on it and accuse you of being unloving and a fundamentalist. Well, if your definition of being loved is not being warned that you're being misled, I'm not your guy.  I love you enough to warn you, to tell you the truth. Few choose to listen. It's always been easier to have your ears tickled than to see and hear the truth. That's why false teachers like Joel Osteen and so many other milquetoasts have such huge followings. They preach a different gospel and they will pay for their misdeeds when they stand before Christ at the Judgement. A good sign that your church doesn't teach the whole Gospel is that The World likes it. The World hates God and Christ because they tell the world that it is evil and corrupt. It tells the world that there are only men and women, that homosexuality is a grievous sin, as is adultery and fornication.  It tells the world that it cannot save itself. Thus, God is hated by the world, as is His son. Hard teachings indeed.

Ramble Ends.


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