IN the World, not OF the World.

 Some time back I was watching a sermon by Pastor John MacArthur. He's one of my favorite Pastors along with Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Steve lawson, and Justin Peters. He made a point in that sermon that got me thinking. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said something to the effect that "We are NOT called to change the culture. We are called to spread the Gospel, the Good News to people." It struck me, as anyone can see, our culture has become an immoral cesspool. We do not do that which is right. We pervert God's order and precepts at every turn. We slaughter innocent children in the womb. We allow, nay, approve of homosexuality, and other forms of sexual perversion! We seemingly have no issue with corruption in Government as long as it's 'our side' doing the corruption. These, and many other things point out the complete bankruptcy of our Culture. Is it any wonder then why God is Judging us ala Romans 1? 

The ONLY way the Culture will change is for enough of the populace to turn to God and cry out for mercy and forgiveness. To repent of our evil ways and seek His righteousness. The Culture is made up of people. I know, "Way to go, Captain Obvious!" Yet, we often miss what is right in front of us. The Church cannot change the Culture. The Culture will only change as people's hearts change. That happens on an individual level. If that happens, change will gradually happen and our Culture may step back from the brink of total destruction. Will it happen? I don't know as we're pretty far gone. Still, with God all things are possible. Throughout the Old Testament, we saw over and over how Israel would fall into sin. They would then be punished by God until they cried out for mercy and repented. God would then restore them. Until the next time they became vile in their corruption and the whole cycle started again. 

As I was watching another sermon, the pastor pointed out that when the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, Nero was Emperor. Nero was one sick and twisted s.o.b. and was VERY evil. Yet, read Romans 13:1-7 as well as Ephesians 5:1-21. He wrote these while Nero was in charge. It sheds new light on how we as Christians should be. We MUST do what is right in God's eyes, always remembering that as Christians, we are IN this world but we are not OF this world. This current world has no hold on us as we are citizens of Heaven. So what this world can do to us is of no moment. We are promised eternity with the One True God and his Son, Christ Jesus. What could be better than that? 


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