
End of Year Thoughts

 What a year it has been. Trump will likely be inaugurated on Jan 20th. I say likely as the Left isn't as vanquished as so many crow about. They have no inkling just how deeply corrupted the bureaucracy, aka The Swamp, is nor how many politicians are corrupted. Also, those corrupt politicians wouldn't be there but for an oblivious or corrupted electorate. Do you see where this is going? As a Nation, we are fundamentally corrupt. We've pulled away from God and decided WE know best. We've seen the results of this across the entire spectrum of our Nation and Culture. That is, those of us with our eyes open. There is no area of life that has not been touched by this evil. When so-called teachers are pushing 'trans' on children, and many are just fine with that, then you know just how low we've sunk. Yet, there are lower levels to be reached.  I keep hearing people say that with the election of Trump, Wokeness, DEI, etc have all been repudiated and we're on a...

Compassion and Accountability

 This Nation has gone insane on many fronts over the last 20 years. It's even more 'In Your Face' these days. The latest is the so-called 4B movement by women of the far-left persuasion. I need not go into the insanity seen on Tick-Tock and Youtube by these people. At first, I was derisive and looked at it with contempt and a certain amount of smug satisfaction, much to my shame. Then, after contemplating it my thoughts changed somewhat. I started feeling sorrow and compassion for them while at the same time, they need to be held accountable. You see, many of them have been fed this Leftist garbage and poison their whole lives because we as a society didn't stop it when it first reared it's Hydra head in 'education'. Thus, Society at large bears some of the burden. We all know how impressionable kids are, how much we were at that age and need responsible adults to guide them. This didn't happen. They then went to universities that were run by the same po...

Trump Doesn't Solve our Problems!

 So, Donald Trump has been elected as our next President. Many are elated. While I understand their elation that we dodged the bullet of the puppet Harris and her controllers, it's ONLY a reprieve. Trump supporters seem to have forgotten that Trump will be, should he survive and make it to the inauguration, the President. Not the Emperor, not the King. He will be the President. Many of his supporters seem to forget that last time it wasn't just Democrats doing everything they could to sabotage him, but Republicans as well. There are many Republicans who hate him just as much as Democrats, but they hide it under a false face. Many of these despise the Constitution until it's useful to THEM. Many in Congress and the Senate will resist anything he does just because they hate him. You say "We'll primary them!" So what? You don't control the voters of those precincts. The Congress critter represents the majority of voters in their district or state. If most vot...

A Stunning Lack of Gratefulness

 Have we as a Nation forgotten how to be grateful? I often wonder at the lack of it. If you take the time to look around you, you will see so much to be thankful for. I marvel at what I see most days. The advancements we've made in so many areas are truly amazing. Think of the variety you see in stores from groceries to things like televisions and furniture to cars. There is much more variety than when I was a kid. We didn't have instant news or 'news' that the internet provides. Heck, we didn't have the internet! Grocery stores had the staples but did not have the quantity and variety we have now. The same goes for department stores. Oh, you could order something through a catalog and then await its arrival, but the options available today were nowhere in sight. When I see what is available today, across all spectrums, I marvel at it. I am very grateful. Yet, a majority aren't. Either they didn't grow up in the times before this over-plenty, or they've ...

Why So Harsh a Judgement?

 I've said over and over that the US and the West are under God's Righteous Judgment. It's not coming upon us; it IS upon us. What is going on will only get worse as God withdraws His restraining grace and gives us over to the depraved desires of our hearts. You see, that's one way He punishes Nations. He stops restraining man's depraved nature. The rank evil you are witnessing here and abroad will only increase. The inability of people to reason is rapidly dropping down a well of idiocy. So why is this? I'm currently reading Leviticus 26, but the general theme is throughout the Old Testament right into the New Testament. God warned Israel many times what would happen if they turned away from Him. Many times they turned away and received His wrath as recompense. Then, God sends His Christ, His one unique Son, and they hang him on a cross at the urging and manipulation of the Sanhedrin. Jesus warned them what was coming, and in AD 70, the Temple was destroyed and...

Have Andy Stanley and his Ilk gone Apostate?

 Some time back Andy Stanley said essentially that we need to decouple from the Old Testament. When I heard about it, I completely dismissed him as false. I'd stop listening to him before that but this only confirmed it. Anyone who says such a stupid thing is false, and those who follow him are fools following him on the broad path. They are also ignorant of Scripture. Just what does Stanley think Jesus referred to when he spoke of The Scriptures? What does he think Peter, Paul, and the rest were referring to? The entire Bible is woven together. PERIOD. You have to be false to make such a statement, and you have to be Biblically illiterate to believe such! Lately, Stanley has been going off the rails. I Wish I could say I'm surprised that anyone still listens to him but then, people still follow the likes of Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplantis, and the rest of the Heretics and Apostates like them. Ah, but then, "There but by the grace of God go I." God's grac...

Dune pt 2

 I just watched Dune Part 2. Overall, not too bad. For someone who's never read the books, or seen the 2 previous iterations, they'll probably like it quite a bit. The good; The special effects were outstanding. I was impressed with the sets and how they shot the camera angles. The action was decent and the dialogue as well. Austin Butler did a good job of the psychotic Feyd, and Dave Batista was a perfect fit for Raban. The rest of the cast did fine too. In my opinion, all good picks. The not-so-good; When a book is well written, and you've read it many times, you tend to cringe a bit when it's made into a movie. The Director always has HIS vision. That usually means he's going to change things around and make additions that were NOT in the book, as well as removing some that were. This happened in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, much to their detriment. Back to Dune. I love Christopher Walken as an actor, but the emperor was more vigorous in the book, and I thin...