Have Andy Stanley and his Ilk gone Apostate?

 Some time back Andy Stanley said essentially that we need to decouple from the Old Testament. When I heard about it, I completely dismissed him as false. I'd stop listening to him before that but this only confirmed it. Anyone who says such a stupid thing is false, and those who follow him are fools following him on the broad path. They are also ignorant of Scripture. Just what does Stanley think Jesus referred to when he spoke of The Scriptures? What does he think Peter, Paul, and the rest were referring to? The entire Bible is woven together. PERIOD. You have to be false to make such a statement, and you have to be Biblically illiterate to believe such! Lately, Stanley has been going off the rails. I Wish I could say I'm surprised that anyone still listens to him but then, people still follow the likes of Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplantis, and the rest of the Heretics and Apostates like them. Ah, but then, "There but by the grace of God go I." God's grace is an amazing thing. When I reflect on my early days as a follower, I bought into much of the false teaching and beliefs out there. As I matured and studied Scripture, I was better able to discern the errors I was being taught. This is why Paul commended the Bereans because they searched the Scriptures (Old Testament) to see if what he was teaching was true! Read and study the Scriptures so you won't be led astray!


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