A Stunning Lack of Gratefulness

 Have we as a Nation forgotten how to be grateful? I often wonder at the lack of it. If you take the time to look around you, you will see so much to be thankful for. I marvel at what I see most days. The advancements we've made in so many areas are truly amazing. Think of the variety you see in stores from groceries to things like televisions and furniture to cars. There is much more variety than when I was a kid. We didn't have instant news or 'news' that the internet provides. Heck, we didn't have the internet! Grocery stores had the staples but did not have the quantity and variety we have now. The same goes for department stores. Oh, you could order something through a catalog and then await its arrival, but the options available today were nowhere in sight. When I see what is available today, across all spectrums, I marvel at it. I am very grateful. Yet, a majority aren't. Either they didn't grow up in the times before this over-plenty, or they've never learned of it. Likely it's both. Our system isn't about education but rather indoctrination; what to think rather than how to think. That is a recipe for the disaster we are witnessing the unfolding of. 

People moan and complain and are clueless about the many blessings we have. They have not all been lost! Yet. We are still seriously blessed in this Nation but many have been blinded to this fact. I am reminded of ancient Israel. They had the blessings of God right in front of them, yet they still complained. They complained endlessly. They constantly rebelled, and each time they did, the punishment was worse. Still, they were a stiff-necked people and continued the pattern. We are no different today. People constantly rebel against God, constantly flip Him off, and then wonder why things are falling apart. We murder children in the womb every day. If somehow a child makes it out of the womb, we tell it it's not really a boy/girl but here, take these drugs, and then we'll mutilate your body and destroy any chance you'd ever have of propagating humanity. We accept perverts into schools and government and the churches and wonder why things are falling apart. Yes, Solomon was right; "There's nothing new under the sun." 

Still, I thank God every day for the many blessings in my life. For the blessing OF life. I have a roof over my head, clothes to wear, food to eat, and a job. I have transportation to said job as well. Every day God gives me the strength to get out of bed and live my life. He has blessed me with the Bible to read and learn from in differing translations which helps me get a better understanding of different passages. He has blessed me with a solid church of fellow believers to fellowship with and learn from. I could go on but I think you get the picture. We have so much bounty but because we refused to credit the author of said bounty, we're blind to it. That is a tragedy.



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