Why So Harsh a Judgement?

 I've said over and over that the US and the West are under God's Righteous Judgment. It's not coming upon us; it IS upon us. What is going on will only get worse as God withdraws His restraining grace and gives us over to the depraved desires of our hearts. You see, that's one way He punishes Nations. He stops restraining man's depraved nature. The rank evil you are witnessing here and abroad will only increase. The inability of people to reason is rapidly dropping down a well of idiocy. So why is this?

I'm currently reading Leviticus 26, but the general theme is throughout the Old Testament right into the New Testament. God warned Israel many times what would happen if they turned away from Him. Many times they turned away and received His wrath as recompense. Then, God sends His Christ, His one unique Son, and they hang him on a cross at the urging and manipulation of the Sanhedrin. Jesus warned them what was coming, and in AD 70, the Temple was destroyed and Jerusalem laid waste. To this very day, many Jews still reject their Messiah and, when they die, pay the ultimate penalty for that denial. 

So how does this apply to the West today? Simple; We've had the Gospel for 1900 years. We've had the truth and have been blessed by it. Did evil and perverse men sometimes twist it and use it for power and other evils? Certainly. Does that in any way change the true nature of the Scriptures? NOT ONE BIT. God led the Israelites out of Egypt. They SAW his presence! They witnessed many wonders, and STILL, they rebelled! Not just once, but over and over and over. We in the West are NO DIFFERENT. We have the truth but have turned away from it. Many churches are not Christian though they claim the name. They are synagogues of Satan. Our Government is perverse and corrupt, as are BOTH parties. The citizenry in general has lost its reason, and its ability to think clearly. So you think God will just allow it to go on? No. We've stored up this Judgement and He is releasing it upon us. There is but ONE answer. We MUST repent and cry out to Him for mercy. Otherwise, this Nation, and the West, are doomed. 

Greater condemnation for those who were warned awaits. Read Matthew 11; 20-24.

Thus endeth the rant.


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