The US is coming apart at the seams
It's hard to watch. As I grow older, the Nation and State I grew up in are no more. Only small remnants are left. I don't recognize it or its people any longer, for the most part. I've believed we're under God's Judgment for some time. We've been given over and the exponential rise in perversity and flat-out evil confirms this. People have gone insane. The evil of abortion, the acceptance of Homosexuality, the mutilation of the bodies of children to serve the evil of so-called 'transgenderism' that is being pushed by 'adults' and butchers calling themselves doctors only strengthens my belief that God is taking us out due to our turning away from Him. Add to this the racial divisions being foisted upon us by Leftism, an evil in itself, only adds to the rest of what's destroying us.
Not just the US either. This infection is rotting much of The West, as we call it. All across the west free speech is under assault, and deviancy is being paraded as virtuous. History is being rewritten and twisted. The young are being indoctrinated to hate the Nations they live in, to hate their culture, and makes them want to burn it down. For instance, many blacks seem to believe that they are the only people ever enslaved. This is a provable lie of course, but we've also seen that beyond a certain point of brainwashing, the truth and facts no longer matter. Again, all of this is being pushed by Leftists. I am firmly convinced that Leftism is Satanic. It perverts and destroys, and feeds on hate and envy. We seem to be beyond the point where it can be turned around. So many ignored it for too long.
Actually, what we ignore is God and His Word. If Christians were in The Word, they wouldn't fall for all the false teachers, all the wolves in sheep's clothing. You wouldn't have the amount of heresy that's out there. There will always be false teachers and those who follow blindly, but not to the extent you have today. It has not only infected the West, but these wolves are exporting it across the rest of the world. More and more people are falling for the Prosperity gospel and giving their money to charlatans. God only allows so much before He takes action. He will NOT be mocked.
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