A Snippet in Time 2
I was perusing Quora's site and came across a photo asking who remembered the Blizzard of '78. Well, I most certainly do as I was almost killed in the aftermath by my own stupidity! Yes, contrary to the mores of modern society, kids ARE stupid. I was cursed with more stupid of the reckless variety than most in those days and I still managed to survive it, by the grace of God. Anyway, on to the story.
I didn't pay much attention to dates, birthdays and Christmas accepted, when I was a kid. It was either school season or not school season. It was either summer of not summer, you get the picture. Well, it was school season and not summer. The snowstorm came in and school was canceled. I was going through a tunneler phase at the time. I loved to dig. The year before on the road behind our house, there was a HUGE snowdrift across the road. The city didn't plow it often as the houses back there were under construction. All us kids in the neighborhood had dug tunnels all through it. We had quite a maze in there. One of the kids parents called the city to complain, and next thing ya know, they're up there getting us all out of the drift. Then they brought in some heavy snow removal equipment and the drift was removed.
So, now comes the blizzard to end all blizzards! The whole town shut down! Schools, stores, darn near everything that wasn't necessary was closed. Man, did it snow! The snowplows made one pass early on but eventually, they parked until the snow stopped. We kids had a blast! Snow forts popped up all over the place along with the requisite snowball fights and the conquest of forts! Some of us also dug hiding places for ourselves. I had dug one into the snowbank where the plow had plowed by our mailbox. I went about 3 feet in and it was 2 feet high, 6 feet long. It was a great hiding spot. Of course, once the snow ended, I was disabused of this thought. I was almost killed as well.
You see, once the plows came back out, I thought it would be neat to hide in my hideout when the plow was coming down the street. Yep. I was REAL brain surgeon material! Anywho, the plow came by and buried me. I could barely move afterward. Scared the daylights out of me and I almost panicked. Well, I managed to keep my wits about me and I started a little wiggling. Every little move gave me a bit more room. It took a while and I'm lucky I didn't suffocate. I was also fortunate in that a few pals came by. I barely heard them talking and they barely heard me yell for them. Yet hear me they did and proceeded to dig me out. They razzed the heck out of me and I took it with grace.
I also stopped digging tunnels.
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