
Showing posts from February, 2024

Disintegration Continues

 Having perused many news sites in the past few weeks as well as pondering what's been going on since 2016 and the election of Trump, my view that the US is done, that it's past the point of no return has only been solidified. Watching what's happened in my own State, as well as many other states, and what is being done to Trump as well as his supporters, screams that the American Experiment has finally failed. It's been dying for several decades but in the last 8 years has accelerated faster than I thought it possible. I didn't factor in how far the thinking capabilities of the average citizen, especially the younger ones, had fallen.  Does that seem arrogant? I think not. I don't totally blame the younger crowd. They've been taught what to think, not how. They are incurious as to the 'why' of things. They've been taught a skewed, anti-American history disguised as 'The Truth'. They haven't been encouraged to question those who '...

A Snippet in Time 2

 I was perusing Quora's site and came across a photo asking who remembered the Blizzard of '78. Well, I most certainly do as I was almost killed in the aftermath by my own stupidity! Yes, contrary to the mores of modern society, kids ARE stupid. I was cursed with more stupid of the reckless variety than most in those days and I still managed to survive it, by the grace of God. Anyway, on to the story. I didn't pay much attention to dates, birthdays and Christmas accepted, when I was a kid.  It was either school season or not school season. It was either summer of not summer, you get the picture. Well, it was school season and not summer. The snowstorm came in and school was canceled. I was going through a tunneler phase at the time. I loved to dig. The year before on the road behind our house, there was a HUGE snowdrift across the road. The city didn't plow it often as the houses back there were under construction. All us kids in the neighborhood had dug tunnels all thr...

A Snippet in Time

 I think it was around 1974. I was 10 and mom was slowly granting me more range in roaming around town. I had time limits, so I knew roughly how far I could go. I don't think she was aware of just how FAR my pals and I could go. It was different in the winter though as the bikes had been put away and we were on foot. If we weren't roaming around with shovels to clear driveways or help someone stuck in their cars to make cash, we just roamed and talked and used our imaginations. We were boys, and we had expansive and vivid imaginations.  One fine afternoon I had been out selling tickets to my Boy Scout Troop's spaghetti dinner. I didn't do too bad, but it was cold and I decided to head home. My pal Kevin was with me. We decided to take a shortcut across Duncan Creek. It was frozen for the most part and we were 10 and skinny. As we were going across we noticed an opening in the ice and, floating in the center, a nice Hockey Stick! What a prize! I started edging towards it...

The US is coming apart at the seams

 It's hard to watch. As I grow older, the Nation and State I grew up in are no more. Only small remnants are left. I don't recognize it or its people any longer, for the most part. I've believed we're under God's Judgment for some time. We've been given over and the exponential rise in perversity and flat-out evil confirms this. People have gone insane. The evil of abortion, the acceptance of Homosexuality, the mutilation of the bodies of children to serve the evil of so-called 'transgenderism' that is being pushed by 'adults' and butchers calling themselves doctors only strengthens my belief that God is taking us out due to our turning away from Him. Add to this the racial divisions being foisted upon us by Leftism, an evil in itself, only adds to the rest of what's destroying us. Not just the US either. This infection is rotting much of The West, as we call it. All across the west free speech is under assault, and deviancy is being paraded ...