Disintegration Continues
Having perused many news sites in the past few weeks as well as pondering what's been going on since 2016 and the election of Trump, my view that the US is done, that it's past the point of no return has only been solidified. Watching what's happened in my own State, as well as many other states, and what is being done to Trump as well as his supporters, screams that the American Experiment has finally failed. It's been dying for several decades but in the last 8 years has accelerated faster than I thought it possible. I didn't factor in how far the thinking capabilities of the average citizen, especially the younger ones, had fallen. Does that seem arrogant? I think not. I don't totally blame the younger crowd. They've been taught what to think, not how. They are incurious as to the 'why' of things. They've been taught a skewed, anti-American history disguised as 'The Truth'. They haven't been encouraged to question those who '...