Disintegration Continues

 Having perused many news sites in the past few weeks as well as pondering what's been going on since 2016 and the election of Trump, my view that the US is done, that it's past the point of no return has only been solidified. Watching what's happened in my own State, as well as many other states, and what is being done to Trump as well as his supporters, screams that the American Experiment has finally failed. It's been dying for several decades but in the last 8 years has accelerated faster than I thought it possible. I didn't factor in how far the thinking capabilities of the average citizen, especially the younger ones, had fallen. 

Does that seem arrogant? I think not. I don't totally blame the younger crowd. They've been taught what to think, not how. They are incurious as to the 'why' of things. They've been taught a skewed, anti-American history disguised as 'The Truth'. They haven't been encouraged to question those who 'teach' them, nor to question much of anything. Many older folks have just disengaged their brains, not questioning what they see from the propaganda Media. They have become immune to facts and intolerant of any who disagree with them. It's a recipe for disaster.

An amusing trend has been happening that I've noticed on YouTube. Women ask men how often they think about the Roman Empire. They are surprised at how often it happens. I was as I run across few in daily life who haven't been captured by the Leftist infection. Rome fell because it rotted from the inside out. You say the US isn't an empire. Are we not? We have military bases all over the world. Our Navy rules the oceans, at least for the time being. Make no mistake, we've become an empire. I think this would disgust the Founders and those who gave so much to create a free Nation. A Nation that is now rotting from the inside out. It is accelerating quite fast in these high-tech days. With all the Social Media contributing heavily to the rot and greasing the slide so to speak. 

Who's to blame? Why, that would be us. We have met the enemy and he is us. Look in the mirror America! This is what we've done. Isn't it grand? We've turned our backs on Truth, Honor and, fair play. We've turned our backs on the Rule of Law and Equal Justice. Worst of all, we've turned our backs on the One True God and the blessings He's given us. We've created a god in our own eyes that never judges us or warns against perversion and corruption. One who never tells you something is bad for you or that Evil exists. Most people refuse to say "NO!" anymore. This started in the 60s when Universities were taken over by Leftist students. Rather than say no, and expel them, the Universities caved.  The rest is history and the rot has festered like gangrene in a warm climate. Now the infection has spread throughout the whole organism. This Nation that once feared God, and was blessed for it, has turned away and denied Him. In return, He has given us over and is pouring out His wrath on us. May God have mercy. 


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