Live Not By Lies

 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote an article that you can find here and it's worth reading. He wrote of the Soviet Union but it's also a warning to us here in The West. The United States is being torn apart by lies we accept because a majority seem too cowardly to refuse them. We have grown fat and slothful in our abundance. We've become 'kept' by our addiction to ease. We have our own little worlds residing in computers and smartphones that we can retreat to whenever we're of a mind. It's easier to escape than face what's happening around us. It's easier to retreat into the relative safety of an online space than to take a stand. To be anonymous. We accept the lies because standing for the Truth can cost you. It can hurt. Trust me, they'll make it hurt if you dare to deny what they're peddling. 

Who are 'they'? They are those spreading the lies and demanding adherence to the alternative reality they're pushing. They tell you that there are an infinite number of genders, that men can become women, and vice versa, that "love is love" and perversion is normal. That this evil must be foisted on children! That is if the children aren't slaughtered in the womb. All will be well if you just let THEM run things and do your thinking for you. That they know best and you MUST comply. Compliance leads to comfort and non-compliance to pain and puts you in danger of being canceled. We see it across every spectrum of life. Nothing is left untouched. It is even infecting the majority of so-called Christian churches. Pastors are abandoning the Bible in favor of being liked by the World. They tell you it's loving to accept that which God condemns. When I hear them I can only think of the nachash in the Garden saying to Eve "Did God really say ...?" Nachash is a Hebrew word that many Bibles translate as serpent, but it also means 'Shining One'. This was the deceiver who led Eve astray. He is a being created by God who rebelled. He is hard at work in the church today and in the greater societies of The West. He is having quite a bit of success in these times. He loses in the end, yet, that is scant comfort as our world grows dark around us. 

I see this from a Christian perspective and worldview. Man is prone to this and has been since he started rebelling against God. We are, all of us, prone to this great deception because WE want to be our own god. We are loath to admit we are not the ultimate Master of our lives. God only puts up with this type of disobedience for so long before he removes his restraining grace and allows us to reap what we've sown. There is a great reaping on the horizon. We all, especially in the church, have turned away and become, as Paul puts it in Romans, futile in our thinking. There's no other way to put it. A society has become reprobate when it refuses to stand for truth, when it refuses to fight the lies being foisted upon it. We in the church have no excuse as we have the Word of God right at our fingertips! If we would but study it, false teachers would not be able to mislead so many. If we had the courage to stand against false teachers, to name them and refute them,  they wouldn't be able to gull so many. Yet, many don't. They don't want to be seen as mean or unloving. Tell me what is more unloving, to let somebody be led to eternal damnation by false teachers and perversity, or to warn them in love to save their souls?! Do you show love by allowing the lie to stand? NO! 

The time is here when you will be forced to choose a side. You will either stand for truth, and face hard times because of it, or live by lies and be a slave. Choose wisely. I will echo Joshua; "As for me and my house, I will serve the Lord." I will not live by lies.


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