Nothing New Under the Sun ...

 As I witness a Nation coming apart under the wrath of God, I can't help but think of that statement from Ecclesiastes. All of the immorality and perversions of God's Law that our Nation has done and is doing more and more are hastening that destruction that is our due. It has been ever thus with man. No generation has been immune to it from the beginning. 

Look at God's chosen people. When Moses led them out of Egypt and bondage, God was with them. He led them day and night and provided for them. He was tangibly there, visible beyond a doubt. Then they come to Mt. Sinai, the mountain of God. Moses goes up the mountain to receive instruction from God. He is up there for 40 days. 40 DAYS! What do the people do, these people who've witnessed God's power and provision? They rebel. They have Aaron make a Golden Calf for them to bow down to and worship! They committed detestable acts. This became their pattern. Over and over, throughout the Old Testament, Israel is saved by God, and, within a generation, they stray and commit idolatry. Lather, rinse, repeat. Man is no different today.

Our Nation was never a 'Christian Nation'. We were instead a Nation founded under certain Christian principles by many men who believed in and feared God. Over time we have greatly strayed, even more so than many pagan Nations that surrounded Israel. We are debauched and perverse beyond measure. We do not fear God, nor His wrath. I truly believe that we are under His growing wrath and that very soon, there will be no denying it. 

John Adams once said that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.". We are no longer a "moral or religious" people. That should be plain to any with eyes to see. One need only look at what has become of our culture to admit that. Our Government is rife with corruption and perversion because the majority of the people are. We have become a Nation that no longer knows what good and evil are, much less one willing to fight against said evil. 

Oh, and don't count on the so-called Christian church as a whole to speak up. The Devil has perverted many of the churches in our Nation and across the whole of The West. So many are undiscerning and have itching ears that are gladly scratched by wolves in sheep's clothing. They are willingly led around by the nose by false teachers and a false gospel. This also is God's doing. He has closed off their minds to the truth. How do I know? Try to show them the truth in Scripture and see what that gets you. No, they are ignorant of Scripture and would rather find some 'new revelation', some new 'feeling' than dig into the glorious Word of God! 

No, there is nothing new under the sun. Nations rise and are taken down by God because of their faithless unbelief. We are just another in a long string of Nations. The one answer, the only answer, is repentance of our many sins and a wholesale crying out to God for mercy and forgiveness. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. At least, not in my lifetime. 

For those who see what's going on, hold firm in the Faith. Trust in God and Jesus. Nothing else suffices. Hold onto Him who holds your very soul! Stand and be true.


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