Post Lux Tenebras and Semper Reformanda

 I was listening to a talk by RC Sproul tonight. It was about Luther as we are in the time of Reformation Day when Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. It wasn't his intention to start a revolution. He had written them in Latin which most people didn't know in that area. He wanted to address these issues with the Catholic Church which he was a part of. Unfortunately, some students translated it into German, and the rest is History. Sproul was talking about the phrase Post Tenebras Lux, which is out of darkness, light. My mind reversed it and said we are now Post Lux Tenebras, out of light, Darkness. That's what I see in the church at large today with all the heresies and outright evil being pushed by a growing number of churches. Sproul made that point, as well as the reversal of the Latin minutes later. I was astonished. Not that Sproul said it, but that I had thought it. ME! God is gracious.

So how does this play into Semper Reformanda, Always reforming? Well, Protestantism should always be reforming. Reforming bad theology into good. The Reformation will always continue, as man will always twist Scripture out of true to accomplish his ends rather than God's. You don't believe me? Look at those like Osteen, Hinn, Copeland, et al. They've so twisted God's Word to make money that I wonder if they know the True Gospel any longer. These days, it's not just the Roman Church that is in error, but many a so-called Protestant church as well. Many churchgoers are also ignorant of the Gospel, likely because they don't read their Bibles. If they truly read them, fewer would likely be taken in by these sons of Satan. Scripture warned against the time when people would not bear sound doctrine, that there would come those who scratch itching ears. These days, there's a whole lot of scratching going on.  Also a whole lot of people that need to read, and understand Matthew 7:21-23. 

May God be gracious and open their eyes to the false teachers they follow.


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