Saturday Ramble
I haven't rambled in a while, so let's ramble, shall we? I've been thinking about how weak people have become for some time now. Fragile in their germaphobia. I grew up in a different time. When I was a kid we used to play outside whenever possible. We got dirty and messy. We got scrapes and cuts and we continued playing. When we came home, if the cuts and scrapes were bad enough in mom's estimation, she'd scrub them vigorously and break out the mercurochrome. That hurt more than the cut or scrape! Then she'd slap a bandaid on it and call it good. As kids, we'd eat with dirty hands frequently if we weren't at home. We caught the usual colds and flus, measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Life went on. Now? People try to live in a germ-free bubble. They're OCD about cleanliness and have weak immune systems. They look to solve all manner of minor maladies with this pill or that pill. They're sicker than ever.
Let's move on. There are men and women, male and female. That's pretty much it. Oh, you have the less than 1 percent who are born hermaphrodites but other than that, Male and Female. One CANNOT become the other. Oh, they can be mutilated to look like the other, but they will NEVER be the other. It's a mental disorder in some cases and you do them no favors by playing into their psychosis. As for the rest, the perversions that exist in our society and that infest the so-called education system are what's driving this evil insanity. These perverts shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children and should be rooted out and charged. Instead, our dying 'culture' glorifies this evil perversion. I won't even get into the other psychosis plaguing us. As I've stated so many times, this is part of God's Judgement on this and many other Western Nations. It will only get worse.
Whom do you trust? Certainly not any government or governmental entity. From local all the way up to Federal, I trust NONE of them. When the lockdowns happened, many of them illegal, I witnessed police be the jackbooted thugs a tyrannical government needs. "I was just doing my job." is the usual excuse for these fools. Sell that to someone else as I'm not buying it. Witness what states around the Nation are doing in all manner of things to curtail Liberty. They violate the Law regarding elections and do not suffer for it. Then there's the total corruption of the FBI. They are little better than the Gestapo or the Stasi. Politicians are corrupt, for the most part. They get into office and mysteriously become wealthy in a few years. Curious.
I've been reading lately about a so-called "Red Wave" in the upcoming mid-terms. Color me skeptical. I have become very jaded when it comes to the intelligence of my fellow citizens. In Wisconsin, we have Ron Johnson against Mandela Barnes. Barnes is a complete and utter idiot who is corrupt and entitled. Of course, much of that is ignored because he is untouchable due to his politics and his skin color. I am no big fan of Johnson because he voted to give US Tax $$ to Ukraine, a place even more corrupt than the US! I'm quite fed up with sending US Tax dollars to any Nation. We have our own issues that need fixing. We shouldn't be doing anything else until we take care of our own. Yes. I am an America First type. I'd expect someone from Mexico to be Mexico First, or someone from Britain to be Britain First. You get the picture. Instead, we have evil and corrupt people pushing toward a One World Government split into two groups; the Haves and the Have Nots. Most of us fall into the latter category. Most are too blind to see it or have fallen into the belief that man can create a benevolent Utopia. Their knowledge of History is shown to be sorely lacking.
Ramble Ends
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