Are We Really So Advanced?

 I have to wonder. We live in an age where people reject what is right in front of them. Where many have seemingly gone a bit insane. We have a corrupt Government filled with evil people bent on tyranny and control, and there seems no number of people willing to put their own chains on. They'll march in lock-step and repeat all the fallacies of the day like men can become women and women can become men. These same people say "Follow the Science!" but they ignore the 'science' that doesn't suit them. They've lost any skepticism about what's told them. They seem to have been well trained, or should I say indoctrinated to do anything BUT think for themselves. They call evil good and good, evil. 

Now, for those who have been called to God through Christ, this is really no surprise. The Bible is filled with these episodes. As a people, we have abandoned the One True God and have made gods in our own image. Even some so-called 'Christians' have created a 'Jesus' in their own image. He's never what they classify as mean, he always approves of what they do, no matter what that is, etc. In other words, a False Christ. In the Old Testament Israel, not long after God brought them out of bondage in Egypt, rebelled against Him and worshipped other gods. They paid with their lives. They wandered for 40 years until those who transgressed were dead. Those never saw the promised land. Even after they came to the promised land, within a generation or two, they fell away again. And again. And again. 

Then, God sends his Son, and they crucify him. They paid for that BIG TIME in 70 AD. This leads to my title, Are we really so advanced? King Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun." He was so correct. Our culture today would do the same thing. Look at cancel culture and tell me I'm wrong. What this Nation needs to do is to repent of all its evil, harlotry, and idolatry. It needs to cry out to God for mercy. He is gracious to forgive and long-suffering, but he does have limits. I believe we are only at the beginning of His wrath against us, against the whole Western world for all the perversion and evil we push. Unless repentance comes, it'll only get worse. We have been warned. "He who has ears, let him hear."

Ramble Ends


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