Random Thoughts on the Coming Year...

 So, we begin 2022. Another year. Joy. Forgive me, non-existent reader for being pessimistic. I have no optimism in a Nation steeped in denial of real science. A Nation steeped in folks demanding tolerance who offer none in return. A Nation where family members refuse to celebrate the Holidays with those who voted differently than they did. A nation where every institution, from Government, to the Media, to Law Enforcement at all levels, right down to churches have been infected and almost completely taken over by the Woke, Marxist, godless Left. A nation where half or more of the populace seem to embrace the slavery that Leftism offers. A Nation where so many no longer love or appreciate the Liberties in our constitution. No. I am definitely NOT optimistic.

Still, no matter how bad it is or seems to be, that is no reason to quit fighting. One must stand if one is to have any self-respect. There must always be those who refuse to budge when the world demands it. If you know it's wrong, then be the one who is right and refuse to live a lie. NEVER give the "pinch of incense to Caesar." Even should it cost you your very life. That is the courage of your convictions. This has played out many times in history. Early Christians, followers of The Way, refused to say "Caesar is Lord." They refused to give that pinch of incense. They paid with their lives in gruesome ways. We're not there yet, but we are on that same path. Whether it ends there depends on how many Americans have become cowards. 

Many have forgotten what price has been paid for our freedoms and liberties. We've had it so easy for too long now that many have forgotten what it is like to want. To be hungry. To experience lack. Ease has made us weak and unappreciative of the blessings we've had for so long. It's made us take them for granted. God does not long suffer fools before he brings them calamity. At some point, he withdraws his restraining grace from Nations, and the true depravity of man spews forth. One thing to keep in mind, one ray of hope is this; He always has a remnant. Those who would not bow to earthly kings. Those who would not compromise His Word regarding the right and true things. Those who would not give the pinch of incense. 

There have always been those who would sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver. They abound, especially in a Nation that has forsaken God like ours has. They want fame, wealth, and power. They want control. Some want it over who lives and who dies. It has been said that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We see this in every level of government as well as in many churches. From the local level all the way to the Federal level, it is plain and clear for any willing to see. Yet few choose to.

Thus, we have been given over. What course it will take remains to be seen. Yet, in the end, God reigns. God wins. All praise the mighty and Holy Name of God!

Ramble Ends.


  1. So now I'm non-existent? I'd agree with non-sentient but I know I'm here, maybe, I think. #lol. Happy New Year Billiam! I think it's going to be a year of mass awakening!


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