Truth Bomb

 When a Culture goes insane, that Culture is doomed, as well as the Nation that Culture resides in. That's where we are folks. Leftism and all its myriad forms of evil are running rampant, put in place by fools who hate and are offended by nearly everything 'Not Them'. This has its origins in the so-called 'Education System' more rightly called the Indoctrination System. Yes, we were all stupid to varying degrees when we were younger but this generation has plumbed the depths of stupid and have not yet reached bottom. They've been made this way by the fatal infection known as Leftism, euphemistically referred to as 'Progressivism'. We are past the point of no return.

Why do I say that? Well, let us look at a few ways it's destroying the Nation. You'd never know it but there is NO RIGHT to not be offended. No two people are the same. Not in thought, physical appearance, or abilities. Yet today you hear much about "Equity". It used to be called "Equality of Outcome". There is no such animal. People range across the spectrum from idiot to genius. From 'attractive' to butt-ugly. From strong to weak, and so on. Someone with an IQ of 70 is going to have a tough time in the aggregate as opposed to someone with an IQ of 110. This SHOULD be obvious to the VAST majority of people, but it's not anymore. So we now have the Cult of the Offended. They are offended by anything they don't like. Anything that makes them 'feel' uncomfortable. It's all about Teh Feelz with these people. Don't ask them to think, or to reason because they can't. If it makes them feel uncomfortable, that is ALL that matters. Whatever offends them MUST be cancelled. Completely destroyed. There is no freedom of thought with these sad individuals.

Then there is the gender insanity. There are only TWO genders. Male and Female. Period. Of course, we see the insanity has taken hold with these folks to the point where you MUST acknowledge what they say they are or be cancelled. Ask Jordan Peterson about that one. Or the Doctor in the UK that was fired over this evil. "How can you call it evil?" you ask? Simply put, this all stems from the "Sexual Revolution" from the 60's. That was the beginning of our end. Before the 60's, out of wedlock births were not that high. Today, in the black community, it's roughly 75%+ and growing across all ethnic groups. Fatherlessness leads to man-children who don't know how to be men, and women who are more sexually irresponsible than their mothers. Oh, don't worry. We have a Welfare state that will keep them around subsistence level and keep them reliably voting for the Party of the Sugar Daddy. This is a generational curse as well. 

Did you know that if you're white, you're automatically 'racist'? That all the World's problem are YOUR fault? That the World was a Wakanda-style Paradise before the evil, melanin-challenged white guy showed up? That the WHOLE world was built on the backs of slaves to the White Man? You didn't? How un-Woke of you. That's the other thing Leftism does. It projects ITS OWN evil onto others and the proles don't question the assertion because they can't think deeply enough. Just watch the 'news', network television shows, commercials, etc. Listen to Politicians and pundits. They don't even try to sugar-coat their trash anymore. 

These are merely a few. As I stated above, we are past the Point of No Return. This Nation cannot survive this. Nor should it. If we've fallen this far that insanity passes for normalcy, we deserve the end we'll get. When God gives a Nation over, he doesn't mess around. 

Ramble Ends.


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