I'm convinced

 Yes. I am convinced. Convinced that the United States is done. The Leftists have done their jobs well. We are, in my opinion, a Nation permanently divided. Democrats have shown their true selves ever since Trump got elected. Not just the politicians either. Rank and file Americans who identify as Democrat have lost their fuckin' minds as well. People I once thought of as level headed spew the same crap they hear from Democrat politicians and their lapdog media. Even family members. Now, I voted for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party in '16. I didn't like Trump. I still don't like some things about him but, considering what he's been up against, I like the way he's governed. He accomplished much IN SPITE of the madness of Democrats and the cowardice of certain Republicans. He's earned my vote. Still, what the years since his election have taught me is that we're through. To quote an old saw, It's all over but the crying. Even if Trump wins re-election, it will only put off the inevitable. If we don't find a peaceful way to separate, there will be a 'Hot' civil war. It's what the batshit crazy Left really seems to want. They've already released their Stormtroops and Brownshirts on society at large in the form of Antifa and BLM. It's only going to escalate. I would strongly advise a LOT of prayers. Also, buy ammo. Ramble ends.


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