Why are we under Judgement from God?

 Why does God destroy a Nation with His Judgement and Wrath? Because that Nation has done evil in His sight to the point where he judges and destroys it. If one is conversant with his Bible, one sees this throughout. Many times in the Old Testament we see God judge Nations for their evil deeds. No Nation escapes, not even His chosen Israel. Jesus warned Israel and Jerusalem of their impending judgment, which happened in 70 AD. It was destroyed, and the Temple razed to the ground with "not one stone left standing upon another." He allows sin and evil to grow to a certain point, and then He judges and pours out His wrath.

We in the US and The West have much to answer for. Many theologians will tell you that judgment begins in the church. Many of the so-called Christian churches across The West who have forgotten that God is Holy, Holy, Holy! They have turned away from His true Nature and attributes and created a god of their own. One who is basically a 'fetch-it' god. A god who wants you to always be happy, healthy, and rich, despite what His Laws are! To never have any troubles or trials in life. That 'god' is far removed from the One, True God! This turning away has gone out to the culture at large as well as every facet of government. We now call good evil, and evil good. So now we are under His judgment and will be destroyed for it. It would take massive repentance on a grand scale to turn it about. I see no signs of that happening.

Some say this is the coming rapture and the End Times. I disagree. There is much in Scripture that hasn't yet been fulfilled. So many want to see the US in prophecy that they ignore what the text says. God works on HIS schedule, not ours. I would add that He also doesn't make everything crystal clear. He doesn't tell us everything. We dishonor Him by inserting our wants into His plan. If by our destruction for our evil deeds many are saved, Glory and Honor to Him! It wouldn't be the first time! 

We have much to answer for, much to repent of. We've slaughtered innocents in the millions. We've put perversion on a pedestal, and many bow down at that idol. We mutilate children for profit and the insanity that is 'transgernderism'. We are more sexually perverse than were Sodom and Gomorrah. We dishonor and profane the Name of the Lord at every turn and think ourselves untouchable because we're SO smart that we think we can deny that God exists. Many Nations throughout History have thought the same. Most are gone. We are likely next. 

So where is hope? Hope is in Him. God sent His one and only Son to pay the penalty of our wretched sins. In so doing, He reconciles us to Him through Christ. We must repent and believe! We must turn away from our many sins and throw ourselves on His great mercy, promised to those who believe in Jesus who is the Christ of God! To those who believe is granted eternal life! We are not promised riches in this life, but in the one to come. THAT promise is where I get my hope! Knowing that future that awaits me allows me to bear the burdens of this life. Jesus sacrificed all for me on that cross. He gave His life that I might live! I tremble when I consider that He who knew no sin became sin for me. For ME! For you also, should you repent and believe. God wants His people back. He sent Jesus to open the Way. Will you not return to Him who made you?


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