The Magnificent, Terrifying Judgement of God
I know, broken record. I cannot help myself though. I see what I see. We in The West generally, and in the US specifically are under God's Wrath. His righteous Judgement. He has removed His restraining Grace and has turned His mighty hand against us. We have been given over to strong delusion and a reprobate mind. It's everywhere you look, it cannot be denied. We as a Nation have collectively turned away from Him to serve other gods. We, like Israel of old, have become faithless whores. We do that which should NEVER be done and persecute any who speak against it. The persecution of God's faithful followers will increase, slowly at first but in time turning into extreme violence.
We see the growing apostasy in many churches these days, churches still claiming the name of Christ. They are not. They are false, filled with wolves in the pulpit and goats and tares in the seats. They deny and pervert Scripture to please the wicked ones in the pews. There is no discernment among the multitude. They have taken the Gospel of Grace and have perverted its true saving power by twisting it to please man rather than God. They have forsaken the sacrifice of the Son of God, Jesus. They have turned their back on His shed blood. Their minds are reprobate and perverted and they can no longer see.
They have forgotten Scripture that teaches that friendship with the World is enmity with God. They tickle itching ears and do not seek to cleanse their hearts. They have become altogether worthless. Many are afraid to speak out against this apostasy. Remember what Jesus warned of; "If you deny me before men, I will deny you before the Father." By not speaking out, are you not denying Him who paid so steep a price? By fearing derision from pagans, are you not turning your back on Him? Think long and hard on this. As is written in Joshua; "Choose this day who you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Whom do YOU serve?
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