Nothing New Under the Sun

 So wrote Solomon. There is nothing new under the sun. Man is rebellious and turns from God. From the very beginning, man rebels against God. My thoughts are on ancient Israel and its comparison to today. The Lord brought them out of Egypt, and showed his presence in many ways, the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. He fed them mana and gave them water. Still, they rebelled. It became a cycle of rebellion, punishment, repentance, prosperity, and back to rebellion. Israel always seemed to rebel again after 1 or 2 generations. One wonders why their parents didn't instill in them the proper fear and respect of God. Yet, the further one gets away from certain events, the more people forget them or try to bury the memory of them.

We see this today in The West. Madness is sweeping The West. This whole notion of white people being the cause of all evil in the world, the pushing of perversion onto children that survive the slaughter of abortion, even so far as the bodily mutilation done on those with so-called 'gender dysphoria". Mutilation that is irreversible. More and more people and governments are becoming hostile to Biblical Truths. I see dark times ahead because we've not only turned away from God, but we are perverting His creations. We are calling good evil and evil good in horrific ways. Thus, we are abandoned by Him and given over to a depraved, reprobate mind. We do that which ought not be done and call it good. We deserve His wrath. He will not be mocked.

Evil is at work in many churches these days. It is worse than in past times because of technology. The Devil doesn't need to work hard in The World as it's already filled with his people. So, he targets the church. He perverts the word of God and twists it. People are blind to it because they don't read God's Word. They don't study it. If they did, most of the ravenous wolves wouldn't be able to ply their lies and fleece the flock. This also is a part of God's wrath. He blinds the eyes of the foolish. For myself, I wonder just how much worse it will get before the eyes of many are opened. Still, for those of us who believe and trust in Him, we are to stand strong in the Faith, no matter the consequences. 

Ramble Ends.


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