
Showing posts from February, 2023

Nothing New Under the Sun

 So wrote Solomon. There is nothing new under the sun. Man is rebellious and turns from God. From the very beginning, man rebels against God. My thoughts are on ancient Israel and its comparison to today. The Lord brought them out of Egypt, and showed his presence in many ways, the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. He fed them mana and gave them water. Still, they rebelled. It became a cycle of rebellion, punishment, repentance, prosperity, and back to rebellion. Israel always seemed to rebel again after 1 or 2 generations. One wonders why their parents didn't instill in them the proper fear and respect of God. Yet, the further one gets away from certain events, the more people forget them or try to bury the memory of them. We see this today in The West. Madness is sweeping The West. This whole notion of white people being the cause of all evil in the world, the pushing of perversion onto children that survive the slaughter of abortion, even so far as the bodily mutilat

Live Not By Lies

 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote an article that you can find  here  and it's worth reading. He wrote of the Soviet Union but it's also a warning to us here in The West. The United States is being torn apart by lies we accept because a majority seem too cowardly to refuse them. We have grown fat and slothful in our abundance. We've become 'kept' by our addiction to ease. We have our own little worlds residing in computers and smartphones that we can retreat to whenever we're of a mind. It's easier to escape than face what's happening around us. It's easier to retreat into the relative safety of an online space than to take a stand. To be anonymous. We accept the lies because standing for the Truth can cost you. It can hurt. Trust me, they'll make it hurt if you dare to deny what they're peddling.  Who are 'they'? They are those spreading the lies and demanding adherence to the alternative reality they're pushing. They tell you that t