American Christianity; Synagogue's of Satan

 The 'church' in America more resembles Satanism these days. The so-called pastor is all about 'Teh Feelz' rather than the Gospel. Many a church wouldn't dream of speaking about things like sin, the depravity of man, and our desperate need for a Savior. No, instead they preach a gospel of Satan. The lie that God wants you healthy and rich! That God is just fine with homosexuality and perversion, fornication, and lying. Folks like Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and a host of others I could name gull a huge number of people every week. They divest them of money and of true Salvation. Of course, many of these people have no discernment and I doubt if they pick up their Bibles for more than a few minutes a month. They follow along behind these sons of Satan with dull eyes and dead brains. They need our prayers that God would open their hearts to the truth. They won't listen to anyone else.

Many of the so-called Christian churches in the United States have completely gone off the rails, from the Presbyterians to the Methodists, to the Roman Church, on down to much of Evangelicalism. The Adversary has been quite busy in the church. You see that is where many make their mistake. Satan doesn't need to work very hard in the non-Christian world. They are lost and unless they hear the true Gospel, they will remain so. No, he has gone to work in the church. He finds the nominal believer, the 'pastor' who longs to be popular and rich. Remember Matthew 7:21? "Not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Or the parable of the wide and narrow paths? What better way to get people to turn away from God, to not hear his message, than to sow idiocy and falsehood in the church at large? When you see things like the prosperity gospel and its ilk, or the idiocy of so-called prophets like Kat Kerr or Kris Vallotton, or the fraud of a person like Todd White or Steven Furtik, it's no wonder why people refuse to hear the true Gospel. They've seen so much of the false messages these sons of satan put out, that they liken the entirety of Christianity to it. 

Oh, and let us not leave out the 'Progressive' church. You know the ones. They say God is just fine with the whole spectrum of LGBTQ+ perversion, despite Scriptural evidence to the contrary. They parade their perversion before the world, the latest iteration of which is men dressing as women and doing many perversions before the world. And parents bring their children to these abominations! Truly, this Nation is under God's Wrath, and rightly so. The eyes of many have been blinded, or, as Romans puts it, they have been given over. The devil doesn't need to corrupt the world. He knows this. Rather, he went into the church and corrupted much of it. And many are too blind to see.  


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