
Showing posts from December, 2022

Paul Washer: The Gospel


Nothing New Under the Sun ...

 As I witness a Nation coming apart under the wrath of God, I can't help but think of that statement from Ecclesiastes. All of the immorality and perversions of God's Law that our Nation has done and is doing more and more are hastening that destruction that is our due. It has been ever thus with man. No generation has been immune to it from the beginning.  Look at God's chosen people. When Moses led them out of Egypt and bondage, God was with them. He led them day and night and provided for them. He was tangibly there, visible beyond a doubt. Then they come to Mt. Sinai, the mountain of God. Moses goes up the mountain to receive instruction from God. He is up there for 40 days. 40 DAYS! What do the people do, these people who've witnessed God's power and provision? They rebel. They have Aaron make a Golden Calf for them to bow down to and worship! They committed detestable acts. This became their pattern. Over and over, throughout the Old Testament, Israel is saved

American Christianity; Synagogue's of Satan

 The 'church' in America more resembles Satanism these days. The so-called pastor is all about 'Teh Feelz' rather than the Gospel. Many a church wouldn't dream of speaking about things like sin, the depravity of man, and our desperate need for a Savior. No, instead they preach a gospel of Satan. The lie that God wants you healthy and rich! That God is just fine with homosexuality and perversion, fornication, and lying. Folks like Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and a host of others I could name gull a huge number of people every week. They divest them of money and of true Salvation. Of course, many of these people have no discernment and I doubt if they pick up their Bibles for more than a few minutes a month. They follow along behind these sons of Satan with dull eyes and dead brains. They need our prayers that God would open their hearts to the truth. They won't listen to anyone else. Many of the so-called Christian churches in the United States hav