Saturday Ramble
I haven't rambled in a while, so let's ramble, shall we? I've been thinking about how weak people have become for some time now. Fragile in their germaphobia. I grew up in a different time. When I was a kid we used to play outside whenever possible. We got dirty and messy. We got scrapes and cuts and we continued playing. When we came home, if the cuts and scrapes were bad enough in mom's estimation, she'd scrub them vigorously and break out the mercurochrome. That hurt more than the cut or scrape! Then she'd slap a bandaid on it and call it good. As kids, we'd eat with dirty hands frequently if we weren't at home. We caught the usual colds and flus, measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Life went on. Now? People try to live in a germ-free bubble. They're OCD about cleanliness and have weak immune systems. They look to solve all manner of minor maladies with this pill or that pill. They're sicker than ever. Let's move on. There are men and women,...