The Time is Near...

 I saw this and had to post it;

"If you're a White person living in America today

and you don't know what happened to the kulaks

in Russia 100 years ago, you should look it up.

Something very similar is happening to you right

now, and the same group of people is behind it."

It's from a GAB user named "Kitler"

It's telling how the Left is 'Othering' Whites, Conservatives, and Straight's who won't tow the Leftist, Woke Lie, and are now being metaphorically (for now) hunted down and the attempt is being made to destroy us. Deplatfoming off of Social Media, as well as sites like Patreon. That should alarm any THINKING Human being who loves Liberty and Freedom. Sadly, there are many NPC's out there who are just fine with it, as well as nearly half the Nation. Leftism and Wokeness have infected nearly every institution in America and much of the West. You can sound the warning bells but most are still sleep-walking. I believe this is God's Judgement upon an evil Nation and people. You cannot mock God by normalizing the wanton slaughter of the unborn, calling perversion normal, and ignoring mental illness, and go unscathed by His Judgement. Repent and pray for our Nation. It's going to get even darker than it is now, so have your soul right with Him who redeems. Put your faith and trust in Jesus, God in human flesh, who died for the sins of those who believe in Him, and you will be saved. Not from the troubles of this world, but from something worse, eternal damnation.


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