The Cause, and the Solution

 I say this as a sinner. I am a sinner. I am guilty, as guilty as any ever was. Scripture teaches that the "Wages of sin is death.", and that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Paul in Romans teaches that we are ALL without excuse, for God has made himself known to us. Because we deny Him, deny His Law, he gives us over. He removes his restraint. When he does this, man's true Nature emerges, and evil grows exponentially. This has happened, is happening all across the world, but in the West especially and in the US in particular. To refuse to see it is to be in the ultimate state of denial.

Some say that we need to replace the politicians with better ones. I know I have in the past. So we do, and nothing changes. Others say we need a 'new system', one that's fairer. Do you really think that corrupt Man will not gain control of that and muck it up? If you refuse to take into account that Man's very Nature is corrupt from birth, that man is NOT basically good, but basically evil, then it's nothing but a vicious circle. Where man is in control, without the benefit of God, there, evil reigns and grows. This is the West and the US in a nutshell. We have created a god in our own image.

The solution? It's simple. Turn back to God. The one True and Holy God. Repent, and cry out for mercy! God is faithful to forgive and restore. He loves us so much that He sent His unique and only Son to pay the price we could not for our sin and rebellion. That those who should believe in Him as Lord and Saviour should be healed and have eternal life. He doesn't promise health and riches in this world, but rather trials and troubles. He promises joy and abundance eternal in the next. Consider, if even half this Nation repented and turned to Jesus, and followed His Law in all areas of their lives, the effect that would have on the Nation and, by extension, the world! Just something to think about.

Ramble Ends


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