
Showing posts from January, 2022

God in the flesh, or a madman. There can be no other choice.

 Those are the choices with regards to Jesus. He was either who he said he was, God in the flesh, or he was a liar and a madman. Two choices. One that leads to life everlasting, and one that leads to Hell. Make no mistake, on this decision, lies your eternal future.  There is no middle ground left to you. If Jesus truly is God in flesh, then he IS The Christ, the savior, the Messiah, the Chosen One of God. If he is, then you must follow him or suffer the consequences for all eternity. If he wasn't, then he was a madman who deserves no honor. There are those who say "He was a good man and a good teacher, but certainly not God." That doesn't wash. Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." He also said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." And, "Before Abraham was, I Am" That "I Am" incensed the Jews of the day as it was a claiming of being God. So, either Jesus IS who he claimed, or he WAS a madman. You notice there is n


 It has been said that the life expectancy of a Democracy is roughly 250 years. This Nation started as a Republic. It was started by flawed but God-fearing men. John Adams said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Well, we are no longer a 'moral' people and we left God behind sometime back. He judges Nations that do that. He destroys them by letting man's innate depravity and love of sin run amok without his restraining grace. I look around at how evil this nation and its Government have become and it's clear we've been "given over". We're watching insanity take over in real-time. Woe to us. Ramble Ends.

Neil Oliver: Are there any leaders left worthy of the trust of decent pe...


The Decay of America


An Election With More Rigging Than a Five-Masted Clipper Ship | Doug Wilson


Random Thoughts on the Coming Year...

 So, we begin 2022. Another year. Joy. Forgive me, non-existent reader for being pessimistic. I have no optimism in a Nation steeped in denial of real science. A Nation steeped in folks demanding tolerance who offer none in return. A Nation where family members refuse to celebrate the Holidays with those who voted differently than they did. A nation where every institution, from Government, to the Media, to Law Enforcement at all levels, right down to churches have been infected and almost completely taken over by the Woke, Marxist, godless Left. A nation where half or more of the populace seem to embrace the slavery that Leftism offers. A Nation where so many no longer love or appreciate the Liberties in our constitution. No. I am definitely NOT optimistic. Still, no matter how bad it is or seems to be, that is no reason to quit fighting. One must stand if one is to have any self-respect. There must always be those who refuse to budge when the world demands it. If you know it's wr