God in the flesh, or a madman. There can be no other choice.
Those are the choices with regards to Jesus. He was either who he said he was, God in the flesh, or he was a liar and a madman. Two choices. One that leads to life everlasting, and one that leads to Hell. Make no mistake, on this decision, lies your eternal future. There is no middle ground left to you. If Jesus truly is God in flesh, then he IS The Christ, the savior, the Messiah, the Chosen One of God. If he is, then you must follow him or suffer the consequences for all eternity. If he wasn't, then he was a madman who deserves no honor. There are those who say "He was a good man and a good teacher, but certainly not God." That doesn't wash. Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." He also said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." And, "Before Abraham was, I Am" That "I Am" incensed the Jews of the day as it was a claiming of being God. So, either Jesus IS who he claimed, or he WAS a madman. You notice there is n...