Thoughts on Marriage
I'll state up-front, I've never been married. I wanted to be and was even engaged once. Yet, it was not to be. I thought I'd found 'The One'! Life had other plans. Yet, most of my friends and family are or have been married. I'm talking about Biblical Marriage here, not gay mirage. So, onward towards my thoughts and observations.
How many of us grew up with the notion that you find the woman of your dreams, court, and get married and live happily ever after! I mean, c'mon! All you need is love, right? Maybe, in part. After all, there are different types of love. Four to be exact. Storge, Eros, Phileo and Agape. They are ALL necessary for marriage. Anyone who is married can tell you it's not all happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! That the shine rubs off eventually. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Either way, the challenges WILL come. If you've an incorrect notion of what Marriage is, the winds of the trials will sink you. Since the US in particular and the West, in general, is turning away from God, there are few who get any input or counseling from the church. Without that, many young couples rush into marriage with the feelings of Eros coursing through their young veins. They haven't been told or warned of the personality conflicts will come into play. Maybe they sadly lived together before they tied the knot. Then, once married, things change. For one or both. Yes, people act differently when you move from Going steady, as we used to call it, to married.
Suddenly it hits you. Married. Till death do us part and all that. Suddenly the things they weren't warned about or were but they didn't listen, or maybe thought 'Not them!', only to find Yes! Them! Suddenly, it's not so fluffy-feeling and sugary. Then the fights begin, or the gossip and complaining to others rather than dealing with it with your spouse. This leads to very hard feelings that are very hard to get past. Feelings have been hurt, and hearts have been hardened. Both need to understand and talk it out, and to forgive. Forgiveness? Nah. We don't need no stinking forgiveness! A marriage that once might shown promise crashes and burns in Lucifer's graveyard. And two hearts are messed up, possibly forever. There is also the breaking of a covenant witnessed by God. He does NOT forget.
Marriage needs to be taken seriously. TRUE marriage, not the garbage you hear on the tabloids. There is no such thing as an Open Marriage. There is only hurt and destruction down the road. It is an evil institution fomented by the Devil. The Devil is about wrecking anything God designs, from life, in general, all the way to marriage. A marriage not based on God is more than likely to fail. That goes for anyone, not just believers. Sadly, I've seen many marriages wrecked because the people concerned were unserious in many cases. Oh, so-and-so just doesn't do 'it' for me anymore. Or the "We just fell out of love." Or, he/she turned into a controlling a$$hole after we got married. I could go on. We've all heard the reasons, maybe used them ourselves. It's all based on not honoring God and knowing His definition and expectations of Marriage. We take it so cavalierly and unserious that the divorce rate is through the roof.
The evil of the Sexual Revolution has caused many men and women to see themselves as little more than animals who just want 'Teh Feelz' sex gives, ignoring the emotional attachments it can bring on. Men with multiple kids by multiple women, Women with multiple kids by multiple men. Both are very damaged by this. Especially the children whose lives are made VERY hard by the lack of two loving parents. Women who have what today is called a "High body count", are very hard-hearted. They find later on that men don't consider them marriage material. They are shocked! Then, they hit the wall that all women hit, and realize, often too late, that they wasted what could have been really good years for a lie. That lie is modern-day feminism, which is little more than a man-hating, go ahead and be a slut ideology that destroys. Men no longer need to get married as there are many women who'll spread their legs for them thinking they'll hit the jackpot. These sad women don't realize they're being used.
The men of hook-up culture are no better. They can get easy sex with little effort. Then, they ghost the girl and move on to the next victim. They may have left the woman pregnant and may never know, especially if she's particularly promiscuous and can't really be sure who the father is. For many, it's not the first, nor will it be the last time. Again, the real victims here are the children.
Many men are very reluctant to get married. If the marriage fails, THEY lose. Almost all of the time, the man loses. Why put themselves at risk? Many are walking away from dating altogether. Again, not worth it. They see women as stuck up, even the ones who are what is called of "Low Market Value". such imbalance always spells the doom of societies throughout history. The US and The West are not immune to this. God judges all.
Ramble Ends.
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