Breaking the Eleventh Commandment
"Eleventh Commandment? What are you talking about! There are only 10!" you say. If you say that, you've not been paying attention. The 11th Commandment to much of the modern-day 'church' is "Thou shalt be nice!" I mean, seriously, we all like 'nice', right? OK, define it. Define what you mean by 'nice'. That's where the water gets polluted by the adherents of the 11th. Finding out what THEY mean by 'nice'. Usually, it means avoiding all the harder teachings of The Bible and Jesus, allowing women to be 'pastors', what GOD Himself finds abhorrent, or what He considers an Abomination, or even, ANY teaching regarding Hell.
You see, I would wager that more than half of the so-called 'christian' churches in the US want to live by the mysterious 11th. That, and many are going Woke. Then there are the ones who've gone full-on Apostate, such as the Nadia Bolz-Webber crowd or the Hinn's, Osteen's, and Warren's of the world. These are the prevalent false teachers that have great followings of undiscerning folks who likely couldn't tell you what books are truly in The Bible, nor what they mean. Why? Because they don't know how to exegete scripture, meaning reading what it says and applying its meaning to your life. They would rather eisegete, which is to read their own meaning into Scripture or discard that which you don't like or agree with. In other words, creating a FALSE Gospel for a god of their own making.
Telling someone the Truth of Scripture is hard. It's also loving. I can hear some now; "Who are you to tell a man or woman they can't marry someone of the same sex, or that they can have sex with someone of the same sex, or that men can't be women and vice versa, etc?" From a Biblical standpoint, I can tell them exactly that. I can also warn them that Scripture says those who practice such are sentenced to Hell. Since I care for their immortal soul, is it loving or unloving to warn them of these things? Jesus spoke of hell quite often. He also called out false teachers. Jesus is Lord over all the earth. The Father has given him Lordship. It's all his. You may say you don't believe in Jesus or God, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, as we all one day will see. So, telling the Truth to someone is loving and can be done without being a jerk. Of course, as the fallen, evil creatures we are, we don't want to hear ANYONE tell us how we should live, nor do we want to give honor and worship to the God who created us. Man's inclination is MY will be done rather than THY will be done.
So, the false teachers have partnered with woke pagans and have made friends with the World, which means they are enemies with God. They are the New church of Leftism and their god is 'nice', and would NEVER judge them, hence the 11th Commandment! He's too loving for that! They are leading millions upon millions down the broad way and to the broad gate that leads to destruction. many will enter therein. Is it nice to NOT warn them?
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