A Nation and World getting Progressively Crazier
As I read news stories from around the U.S., and across the world, it only strengthens my belief that God has "given us over to a reprobate mind" ala Romans 1 and other Scriptures. We see this throughout Scripture. When a people have progressed far enough into idolatry and perversion, God removes his restraining grace on that people. The evil in men's hearts becomes unrestrained and darkness grows as God's Judgement is delivered.
In the US, we've so turned away from God that all sorts of perversion and insanity are exploding. Whether the abomination that is abortion, same-sex marriage, so-called trans people, as well as many other forms of sexual deviancy, corruption in all areas of Government, as well as the general disregard for morals and Laws by much of the populace, all one needs to do is look around and see it growing right before your eyes. It's only going to get worse until we destroy ourselves. Then, God will raise up a people who focus on Him. A people who fear and honor Him. Then, they'll flourish once again. That is if we don't completely usher in an apocalypse on ourselves and the rest of the world. God punished Israel over and over for her harlotry many times. The people would repent, and He would bless them. Then, only a generation or two later, they'd run right back to their sins like a dog returning to its vomit. Lather, rinse, repeat.
This Nation and the West have been blessed by God for many decades. We've had it so good that we've forgotten that NOTHING comes easy. Prosperity takes hard work to achieve and even harder work to maintain. If you take prosperity for granted and become apathetic, as well as sloppy in your thinking, you'll soon fall for all sorts of nonsense. Just one example is the insane belief that a man can become a woman and vice versa. It is those who say "Follow the Science" who push this anti-science garbage. Since as a people we've become futile in our thinking, doctors who should know better go along with it. Why? Because the evil, insane creatures running Government offices tell them too, and they've not the courage to stand and say "Not just no, but HELL NO!" This lack of courage has poisoned all fronts of our society and spread the craziness all across the spectrum of culture, even into the churches. To those who think we've almost reached the bottom, you ain't seen nothing yet. There are still depths of depravity and evil to be plumbed.
It has been said that an addict cannot be healed until he reaches rock-bottom and admits he has a problem and wants to fix it. We as a Nation haven't reached that point yet. By the time enough do, it's too late. You can't stop the slide into the pit as the momentum gained by decades of apathy is too great. Of course, that doesn't mean you don't fight it. You continue to resist, to warn. You will be thought crazy, even after your predictions come true. Still, you MUST continue on so younger folks have an example of courage to follow. So keep your Faith in God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They will keep you strong and on the right course. Stay on that course, no matter what it costs you. His reward for faithfulness is to be greatly desired!
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