The Ungrateful, Ugly American...

 Many have heard the term "Ugly American" before. It is usually used by those in the European Nations as well as others to denote a certain type of American. The ugly side of some who always complain and criticize the Nation they're visiting as well as act in very unseemly ways. Well, in the U.S., you can add the descriptor 'ungrateful' to the same "Ugly American". They are almost always of the Leftist persuasion, and always spew hatred of America. They are especially vitriolic on July 4th. This year, they were on steroids. They spewed their vile invective and hatred all over the place. Black, white, so-called 'native American', take your pick. It's always been there but seemed to pick up steam when schools started using any 'History' book by Howard Zinn. Sadly, parents never take the time to know what their schools are poisoning their children with until it's too late. Now we're dealing with the blatant lies not only of Zinn, but the 1619 Project as well as Critical Race Theory. Oh, and don't even get me started on the LGBTQ crowd.

Count me as one who has become VERY unsympathetic to these pathetic, hateful fools. Blacks and Whites who whine about slavery, as though America was the only Nation EVER to have slaves! As if NO OTHER group of people were EVER enslaved by another! So-called "Native-Americans" spewing the old trope "You stole our lands!", as though no Indian tribe EVER took land from another tribe and slaughtered and enslaved them! Whiny jack-wagons who say that Whites are responsible for all the evils in the world! I'm tired of it and becoming quite militant in my now uncaring indifference to these whiny little babies. 

This Nation offers so much opportunity to so many that people die trying to get here. I see plenty of people of all skin tones making it here. I see plenty of people off all colors making more $$ than I'll ever see and my response is "Good for you! Congratulations!" To the whiny, ungrateful little bitches I say "GFY!" It's time more Americans tell these ungrateful wretches to crawl back under the manure pile they crawled out from or they'll destroy this Nation. Me? I think it's too late to save. Too many cowards. Time will tell, but I've had enough and am not the least bit afraid to say it. 


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