It never fails to amaze. How incurious so many people are. They are spoon fed ONE narrative. One side of a story. They don't even entertain that there is ALWAYS more to it than that. Even when presented with evidence to the contrary of said narrative, they refuse to change their minds. You see this all across the spectrum, from The Obama years, to Trump, to Covid and beyond. You see it with the fallacy that gender is fluid, that men can become women and vice versa. This is insanity is used on children as well! You also see it with regards to the stories from Travon Martin to Michael Brown to George Floyd. There is ONE narrative allowed, one set of 'facts'. No matter what comes out later, only one side is presented. One side is foisted upon people by the Media Indoctrination Industry and anything to the contrary is dismissed or censored. To those like me, that raises a host of Red Flags. When you censor opposing views, I want to know why. In the majority of cases it's because it goes against Leftism and the world view they wish to force everyone into. They use Cancel Culture to do this. "Don't agree with us? Fine. We'll get you banned from Social Media. Maybe we'll even get you fired!"
That's how a tyrannical ideology works. They've been conditioning people like that for several generations now through their control of 'education', the so-called news media, etc. Now they are infecting churches. They have managed to turn people away from the True Gospel of Christ to this false gospel. Many churches are falling to it. Many more will. Our society is being torn apart by the infection known as Woke and their high priests of CRT. This is by design. Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes that "There is nothing new under the sun." He is correct. Mankind has shown himself again and again willing to fall for the wiles of Satan. From the beginning until now, there is nothing new here. Darkness will take over, brought about by mans foolishness and desire to say "My will be done.' rather than "THY will be done." Truly, nothing new. Ramble ends.
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