
 Perhaps this is a time of trial for me. I don't know. The Lord sends us trials to burn away our arrogance and perceived strength. Our self-reliance. The Apostle Paul was given a 'thorn in the flesh'. When he prayed for God to deliver him of it God's reply was "My Grace is sufficient." May it be so with me. I am in much pain that is only on the increase. Back issues and bother shoulders being destroyed, along with the many other infirmities. For all but the one shoulder, I am to blame. They are the fruits of the life I've sown. They are the results of my neglect and choices. Yet God is faithful the carry me through every day of work and living. I am surprised many days at having awakened to face another one. Not always joyful at that at first. Later, I usually am. I thank Him who created and sustains me that I have another day, even though I may not have wanted such. Trials. Can one be thankful through pain? Through the growing rough patches of our aging years? Can we be thankful and trusting in Him knowing that if we go down and surgery is required that we stand to lose what we have built? To this, I give a resounding "YES!" 

That is what Faith is all about! Trusting in HIS plan. For it is to HIS Glory. It never was, and never is about US. It is about HIM. He, who created all things. He, who created us for HIS glory. He, who sent HIS Son to pay the blood price for our inequities, to suffer the full cup of HIS wrath meant for us. That those who believe in Jesus Christ shall have eternal Life after the sufferings of this world. Yes, trusting him though it cost you everything. Maybe this is my test, one of many. I am reliant on Him who made me, who bought me at such an expensive price that I could not pay. I am not worthy, nor can I make myself so. I am worthy because of Christ. So I will trust Him through all. This will be as a moment, and I will glorify Him throughout. May HIS name be praised! Ramble Ends. 


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