May you live in interesting times...

 Indeed. The West is sloughing towards some very Dark Times. A new Dark Age is being ushered in by The Enlightened Ones. In other words, Woke Leftists. They are striving at making Conservatives of any stripe as well as White people the new 'Jew', the new 'Other', the new 'untouchable pariah'. To hear some of them talk about re-education or "deprogramming" Trump supporters should chill the bones of anyone familiar with such talk and its eventual results. Unfortunately, the Left has controlled 'Education' so that a growing number of younger people have no clue as to the pure, Satanic Evil that is Leftism and the number of people it has slaughtered throughout history in its quest for "Utopia". 

They have no clue that THEY themselves are the Fascists. They have no clue that what they are advocating has lead to Gulags and Concentration Camps. Worse still, they don't CARE to know. You can show them, but they ignore it. It is a certain arrogance. They think themselves better not realizing that they are no different from those who murdered millions the last time. Mans Nature does not change. He is fallen and depraved. One only need look around him to see the moral depravity and debauchery of our society these days. Up is down, right is left, good is evil and evil good. "Science" is a useful tool. The very person who tells you abortion is not the murder of the unborn, or that men can become women and vice versa, is the very same fool who tells you to "Follow the Science!" Of course, it's only the 'science' they approve of and can use to further their goals. 

We in The West have been given over ala Romans 1. God will not be mocked, and there's been a whole lot of mocking going on. God repays. Ramble ends.


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