
Showing posts from August, 2020

It CAN Happen Here

 History repeats itself over and over. People are surprised when violent tyranny grows in a supposedly 'Free' Nation because they don't learn from history. It doesn't require a deep study. It's right out in front! Nazi Germany happened because the people allowed it to. Tyranny grows in the US because people are ALLOWING it to. Maybe they have a flawed, non-biblical view of the Nature of Man. They think mankind is basically good, as they define it, when History is rife with examples of the exact opposite. The evil in man's Nature needs to be resisted all the time or it grows and takes over. For a few generations now, many a student has been fed a steady diet of 'America Evil' by their so-called teachers as well as one Political Party and the News 'Media'. Most are incurious at any other view so they don't credit anything but what they've been taught. Do not parents share the blame for not developing in them the ability to see more than one

I'm convinced

 Yes. I am convinced. Convinced that the United States is done. The Leftists have done their jobs well. We are, in my opinion, a Nation permanently divided. Democrats have shown their true selves ever since Trump got elected. Not just the politicians either. Rank and file Americans who identify as Democrat have lost their fuckin' minds as well. People I once thought of as level headed spew the same crap they hear from Democrat politicians and their lapdog media. Even family members. Now, I voted for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party in '16. I didn't like Trump. I still don't like some things about him but, considering what he's been up against, I like the way he's governed. He accomplished much IN SPITE of the madness of Democrats and the cowardice of certain Republicans. He's earned my vote. Still, what the years since his election have taught me is that we're through. To quote an old saw, It's all over but the crying. Even if Trump wins re-e

Just do what the cop says!

 Every time there is an incident involving the police and a suspect in which the suspect is shot, one thing usually stands out; HE DIDN"T OBEY THE COPS ORDER! If a cop tells you to stop, drop the knife, and put your hands in the air, you DO IT! You don't head to your car and then reach inside. I have sympathy for the guys family but, and here it is in plain English, HE BROUGHT THIS ON HIMSELF. It was preventable. Yet so many thugs refuse to listen, get shot, then cry "Oh, woe is me!" Then they play the race card. Most people have had it with that bullshit. I know I have. Racism is the new cry wolf. It only gets an eye roll and then, COMPLETE DISMISSAL. Wokeism is sheer idiocy. Then again, this nation is heading for the cliffs of insanity at breakneck speed. I doubt it will stop in time. I do hope I'm wrong about that. Ramble over.

Blogging again

 I used to have a blog called A View from the Cheap Seats. I killed it and it completely died when the computer I'd saved the files to crashed. Then I started another called The Driver's Seat. When you don't log in for 3 years, I guess it gets locked. Anyway, this will be my conduit for my ramblings. Hence the name. I expect no readers and it's mainly a venue for my thoughts. Easier than Journaling as typing doesn't bother my arthritis. So, let another journey begin.