
Showing posts from August, 2023

Apple Battery Controversy

 I like Tech. Ask anyone who knows me. I'm in the process of breaking my addiction to having the newest phones. I now have an Apple 14 Pro Max. I like the bigger screen but not the weight. Anyway, I've seen many videos and have read articles about people's battery health dropping. After some thought and reflection, I have a simple solution many apparently have missed. PUT THE PHONE DOWN! Now, this, to me, is a societal problem. So many people are glued to their phone screens. They're always looking at something or playing some game. When I'm in a sit-down restaurant and I look at other tables, I see people looking at their phones rather than each other. This problem began with the advent of the smartphone era. It was bad enough when people were always texting on old-school phones, but now it's even worse. So, when you spend so much time on the phone you use up the battery. Then you charge it up and do it again. That uses battery cycles which, over time, causes d

The Winnowing

 As the US and The West come increasingly into the Wrath of God's Judgement, there will be a great winnowing. A separating of the wheat and the chaff. You will see a great falling away from the TRUE Gospel for the sugary sweet, and false teaching of much of Western Christianity. It's all sunshine and rainbows when it doesn't cost you to be a 'christian'. When the cost goes up, it is MUCH more difficult. When faced with a choice to stand for Christ, and lose things or a job, or go with the culture and be safe, many will choose the latter.  When this poisoned, evil society we live in demands allegiance, the pinch of incense for Ceasar, how many will refuse the pinch? How many will take their stand for the TRUTH of Christ? We're already seeing whole denominations turning away from Biblical Truths to be better thought of by our pagan Society. The whole LGBTQ+IA insanity is an excellent example of how so many so-called Christians have whored after other gods. Denomin