
Showing posts from November, 2022

People Have No Idea What's Coming

 You can warn people until you're blue in the face, but it won't matter. They will not see the darkness about to descend on the US and The West. I don't know if they refuse to, or if they truly can't see it. It's right in front of their faces. If you want to know what moral depravity, or what the Bible calls a "reprobate mind" looks like, just open your eyes and ears. Look and listen to what is going on around you. It's not hidden. It's right out in the open.  People look back at History and say "It'll never happen again!". Until it DOES. Just in our recent history, look at what Communists did in Russia. What their cousin's The Nazis did in Germany. What the Turks did to the Armenians, or what the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia. Look at China or parts of Africa. When a certain type of Leftist gets power, they always 'Other' some group that resists them. Then they take more permanent steps. It's happening now in the US as

Post Lux Tenebras and Semper Reformanda

 I was listening to a talk by RC Sproul tonight. It was about Luther as we are in the time of Reformation Day when Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. It wasn't his intention to start a revolution. He had written them in Latin which most people didn't know in that area. He wanted to address these issues with the Catholic Church which he was a part of. Unfortunately, some students translated it into German, and the rest is History. Sproul was talking about the phrase Post Tenebras Lux, which is out of darkness, light. My mind reversed it and said we are now Post Lux Tenebras, out of light, Darkness. That's what I see in the church at large today with all the heresies and outright evil being pushed by a growing number of churches. Sproul made that point, as well as the reversal of the Latin minutes later. I was astonished. Not that Sproul said it, but that I had thought it. ME! God is gracious. So how does this play into Semper Reforman