
Showing posts from March, 2021

Truth Bomb

 When a Culture goes insane, that Culture is doomed, as well as the Nation that Culture resides in. That's where we are folks. Leftism and all its myriad forms of evil are running rampant, put in place by fools who hate and are offended by nearly everything 'Not Them'. This has its origins in the so-called 'Education System' more rightly called the Indoctrination System. Yes, we were all stupid to varying degrees when we were younger but this generation has plumbed the depths of stupid and have not yet reached bottom. They've been made this way by the fatal infection known as Leftism, euphemistically referred to as 'Progressivism'. We are past the point of no return. Why do I say that? Well, let us look at a few ways it's destroying the Nation. You'd never know it but there is NO RIGHT to not be offended. No two people are the same. Not in thought, physical appearance, or abilities. Yet today you hear much about "Equity". It used to be