Trump Doesn't Solve our Problems!
So, Donald Trump has been elected as our next President. Many are elated. While I understand their elation that we dodged the bullet of the puppet Harris and her controllers, it's ONLY a reprieve. Trump supporters seem to have forgotten that Trump will be, should he survive and make it to the inauguration, the President. Not the Emperor, not the King. He will be the President. Many of his supporters seem to forget that last time it wasn't just Democrats doing everything they could to sabotage him, but Republicans as well. There are many Republicans who hate him just as much as Democrats, but they hide it under a false face. Many of these despise the Constitution until it's useful to THEM. Many in Congress and the Senate will resist anything he does just because they hate him. You say "We'll primary them!" So what? You don't control the voters of those precincts. The Congress critter represents the majority of voters in their district or state. If most vot...