
Showing posts from September, 2023

Basically Good?

 Many people today, even those claiming Christ, will tell you they believe the same thing; that man is basically good. They're wrong. Scripture tells us in both Testaments that "there is no one righteous, no, not one. There is NONE who does good. No one seeks after God." Jesus said to the rich young ruler "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God." All one need do is LOOK AROUND! You will see the depravity of man. It's rampant. It's in the LGBTQ nonsense. It's in the glaringly evil transgender insanity. It's in the mutilation of children with the approval of their parents! It's in the perverse sexualization of the same children. It's in the sense of entitlement many seem to have. It's in the so-called education system. It's IN THE CHURCH! It's in EVERY facet of government, from local all the way to the Federal Government. NOTHING is untouched! Look around and you will see evil and perversity destroying the Nation. W