
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Judgement of the Lord

 I was reading Isaiah 47 today and couldn't help but think of the US. It was a Judgement against Babylon. Babylon was powerful and VERY wealthy. They were also very arrogant. God used them to punish Israel for whoring after other gods. Then, he Judged them. It made me think of the United States. I've often compared the US to Rome and believe that we have followed in Rome's footsteps at an accelerated pace. Yet, we also resemble Babylon in many ways. Israel as well.  When this Nation was formed, we weren't building an empire. Many who helped in the writing of our Constitution were leery of getting involved in the politics of other Nations. Many of the founders warned against becoming involved with other Nations in international issues. Oh, that we had heeded their warnings. Once we started to expand toward Empire, the seeds of our Republic's fall were planted. As we grew in wealth and stature, we became more arrogant and slothful. We turned away from the One True God