Weep for the children
Abortion is bad enough. The deliberate murder of an unborn yet living innocent in the womb is barbaric. Yet for decades this went on. To this day, people psychotically fight for the so-called right to slaughter them, even up to the point of birth and, in some cases, after. They euphemistically call it 'women's health care'. That this is pure evil is manifest. That so many are blind to it is horrific. Add to this the latest evil craze; transgenderism. This has been foisted upon our children by evil and deluded people, from teachers to politicians, to so-called 'experts', and butchers masquerading as doctors. Mengele wasn't so pure. Demons pretending to be parents allow this, even encourage this. Woe unto them, for God is not mocked. He WILL repay those who've pushed for and committed this evil. I've stated that this Nation, in fact, many Nations are under His wrath for we have turned our backs on Him and His Law. So his restraint has been removed. Witnes...